10 Fantastical Animal Companions I’d Want to Accompany Me

10 Fantastical Animal Companions I’d Want to Accompany Me

Hey bookworm friends, I’m writing this Top Ten Tuesday post on time, hurrah! Today’s TTT-opic is broad and open to interpretation since it’s a ‘relationship’ freebie. I’m picking Animal Companions from Fantasy and Sci-Fi as my focus. When reading SFF, I often get attached to the cute and creative creatures that keep our protagonists company. In my selection, I’m including any animal-like character whether they have human-like intelligence or are more of a ‘pet’. These are the animal friends I’d want with me on quests, to frolick with, or to cuddle while I read.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up!

Animal Companions

Banderbears – (From The Edge Chronicles) by Paul Stewart & Chris Riddell
Banderbears are solitary creatures by nature but when they make a friend they make a friend for life. Although strong and fierce protectors, they are gentle creatures. Banderbears communicate via a mixture of gestures, grunts, yodels and howls.

Whistle the Flying Moose – (From The Terraformers) by Annalee Newitz
While Flying Moose are typically considered people in this world, Whistle himself is not. He’s unfairly seen as more of a pack animal since his communication is limited. Although he deals with this prejudice in the story, he is the sweetest, most loveable companion and I love him.

Aela the Aurelian Dragon– (From The Aurelian Cycle) by Rosaria Munda
I love the dragon-rider relationships in this series so much, I find them to be so rich and intimate without being cheesy or cringy. Annie’s dragon, Aela, is my favourite; if I could be friends with her I would be!

Sedgewick the Sassy Owl Familiar – (From Spellbound) by Annabel Chase
Sedgewick is always sassing his witch. He is trustworthy but can be very petulant and pompous, which is entertaining. Like, he doesn’t want to do his familiar duties…but he always does anyway.

Dina’s Dog, Beast – (From Innkeeper Chronicles) by Ilona Andrews
Beast may look like your average Shih Tzu, but she’s actually some sort of alien with four rows of teeth. And she is extremely eager to use them. Good girl!

Hops the Frog Steed – (From The Mushroom Knight) by Oliver Bly
Hopalong, or Hops for short, is the Mushroom Knight’s valiant steed. He carries him through the forest on quests and even into battle!

Brushbuddy – (From Witch Hat Atelier) by Komame Shirahama
Brushbuddies are magical creatures that resemble fuzzy worms. They are attracted to magic ink and that’s why they’re often found near witches. I’d love to cuddle with one even though they’re not over-fond of hugs.

Bonedog – (From Nettle and Bone) by T. Kingfisher
Made from bones and magic, I’m pretty sure all who read Nettle & Bone fall in love with Bonedog.

Thimble– (From Legends and Lattes) by Travis Baldree
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I would do anything for this baking ratkin!

Merlin, The Black Cat – (From A Dark and Secret Magic) by Wallis Kinney
There’s just something extra magical about black cats 🖤🐈


  1. Ooh I love that you decided to go for animal companions for this. I don’t think they get enough credit a lot of the time. Although I’m not familiar with any of the ones listed here they do sound like a wonderful mixture of characters and creatures. I’ve heard of Bonedog from others that have read Nettle so I imagine you’re right about everyone falling for him. What you’ve said about Whistle makes it hard not to feel for him and dragon/rider bonds are always fun to discover. Sedgewitch sounds fun too. The pompous part makes me think of owl from Winnie The Pooh and I love the idea of a familiar whose reluctant to do their duty. Those mentions of magic ink are intriguing too.

    Some of my favourite animal companions are Mephi (Bone Shard Daughter), Reichis (Spellslinger) and Abraxos (later on in the Throne Of Glass series). I think if I had an animal companion I’d want something that could be fierce but also cuddly too 😂 maybe a magical tiger? 🤔

    • Veronica

      Thanks, I was torn between doing ‘animal companions’ and ‘mentors’ but I’m glad I went the animal route, it was fun & you’re right, they need more credit!
      Ahh well there you go now if you ever read any of these you have new animal companions to meet 🙂 Yess I can see the similarities between Sedgewick and the Owl from Winnie-The-Pooh except that second Owl is wiser 😂😂

      I recently heard about Mephi and I am so curious to read that series! Yes fierce and cuddly is a good mix, best of both worlds, if you will 😛 Is Reichis some sort of cat?

      • Ooh mentors would have been good too but learning about animal companions within series is wonderful.
        Yes very true. It’ll be fun seeing what I think of them too. Oh 😂😂 it’s just when you said pompous I had visions of Owl from Pooh misreading things and being highly convinced he’s right 😂😂 or was that rabbit? 🤔

        Oh he’s fantastic. I loved him 🥰 and the series is wonderful too. I love the world that the author created. Too true. And he’s described as a squirrel cat but I’ve always pictured him as more of a squirrel. A very sarcastic, somewhat violent one 😂

        • Veronica

          Well at least that’s a possible theme for another time. haha
          That is so funny and honestly who knows it could be Rabbit or it could be Owl. that descriptions potentially fits both of them but I do remember Rabbit being a bit annoying lol😂
          Now that I heard the name Mephi I keep seeing people mentioning him everywhere, it must be a sign to pick up this series! lol I’m glad you love the world!
          Oh my gosh hahaha a sarcastic and violent squirrel cat somehow sounds super appropriate 😂!!

          • Very true. Yeah same here they’re kind of a grouchy character from what I remember 😂
            Ooh really? Actually I saw him mentioned yesterday too surprisingly. It was really fascinating to explore.
            Yeah it worked really well for him character wise 😂

    • Veronica

      Thank you, Jodie! I’m glad you enjoyed looking through it 🙂 I’ll go pop by your blog!

    • Veronica

      Oh ahaha great minds think alike, I suppose 😛 I’ll go pop by your TTT 🙂

    • Veronica

      Oh, those are the Temeraire ones right? They’re on my tbr as they sound like I would love them!

    • Veronica

      Yes, Hiccup and Toothless are the cutest! I suppose Toothless can count as my bonus pick 😉 Thanks for visiting my post, let me go check out your TTT 🙂

  2. What a fun idea for this TTT! I also loved Bonedog and I’ve heard about Whistle in the Terraformers but haven’t read it yet. I may create my own list at some point😁

    • Veronica

      Thank you! & Yess Bonedog is the sweetest! I feel like I have talked a lot about the Terraformers lately but I do recommend it 🙈 Oh, cool if you make your own list I can’t wait to see it!! 😄

    • Veronica

      Oh, they absolutely are so cute & My pleasure, thanks for stopping by mine 😊

  3. Athena @ OneReadingNurse

    Ahhh this is the list I wanted to do and just mentally blanked! I’ll take a Bonedog and a Mogget 😂 Happy TTT!

    • Veronica

      Ahaha I can’t blame you, I had to search around my Goodreads for a bit to get all 10. Not as easy as you would think haha. I don’t think I know what a Mogget is but as long as they’re an animal companion I like it already! lol

    • Veronica

      Thanks, Emily. I hope you find some cute animals in your next reads 😛. I hope you have a great week as well 😄!

  4. Oh, I love the idea of animal companions. I would want Tigger and Roo from Winnie the Pooh, as well as Winnie himself. And a dragon? Don’t we all want a dragon?

    • Veronica

      Aww yes, everyone from the 100 Acre Wood for that matter! Great addition to the list! & you’re right I think we all want a dragon for sure haha!!

  5. The bonedog sounds like a good one just because i’m fmiliar with the authors work although i havent read nettle and bone yet. I didn’t ever think about just doing fantastic animals…. Maybe Solembum the werecat from Eragon would make an interesting companion.

    • Veronica

      Ah yes, if you’ve read other T. Kingfisher then you might like bonedog for sure! & I have only read 2 of her books so far but I want to read more, I like her style a lot.
      Hmm interesting a werecat sounds cool, I have not read Eragon! Thanks for stopping by my post 🙂

    • Veronica

      I am glad some of my animal companions might inspire you to check out some books 🙂 I need more animal companions in my life too! haha

    • Veronica

      Yes 😁 Bonedog is the absolute cutest!!

  6. I love that this list is about animal companions in books. I haven’t read any of these but I’ve had my eye on Legends and Lattes. Great list!

    • Veronica

      Thank you, I’m a big fan of literary animals 🙂 I definitely recommend Legend and Lattes, it’s so sweet.

    • Veronica

      Yes he is, I just love him so much.

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