10 New-To-Me Authors I Fell In Love With Last Year

10 New-To-Me Authors I Fell In Love With Last Year

Hey bookworm friends! This last TTT of January is also the last time I’ll be thinking back on my reads from 2024. After this, I’ll be ready to give all my attention to the books in front of me! So, let’s take a moment to celebrate 10 New-To-Me Authors that I Fell In Love with Last Year! Since it’s also Teaser Tuesday, I thought it would be fun to give a little teaser for each author 😉! And maybe it’ll help convince someone to try these wonderful authors for themselves!


Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up!

Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Ambrosia at The Purple Booker.
1: Grab your current read 2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• Share the title & author, too so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Seanan McGuire

In the way of bookish children, she carried her books into trees and along the banks of chuckling creeks, weaving her way along their slippery shores with the sort of grace that belongs only to bibliophiles protecting their treasures.

Seanan McGuire, In an Absent Dream

Tilly Wallace

Not everyone could be a star. Some people had to be the night sky, the dark background that allowed the star to shine.”

Tilly Wallace, Manners and Monsters

Deanna Raybourn

I have known enough of women to understand they are as duplicitous and vicious as men. If they are capable of being our equals in malice, why not in our better qualities as well? There are no masculine virtues, Veronica. And none sacred to women either. We are all of us just people, and most badly flawed ones at that.

Deanna Raybourn, A Curious Beginning

Sarah K. L. Wilson

‘Long ago in a place far from here,’ he began. Because all stories start long ago but in an undetermined place so that no one can check to be sure they are true.

Sarah K. L. Wilson, Phoenix Heart (Season 1)

Susan C. Wilson

A peal of mirth almost escaped me at the notion of shaming the blood-soaked House of Atreus, as if it had even been clean.

Susan C. Wilson, Clytemnestra’s Bind

Andrew Joseph White

I think the entire world depends on people pretending they don’t know they’re doing terrible things.

Andrew Joseph White, The Spirit Bares Its Teeth

Becky Chambers

The wilderness was not known for letting the foolish return.

Becky Chambers, A Psalm For the Wild-Built

Robin Hobb

All events, no matter how earthshaking or bizarre, are diluted within moments of their occurrence by the continuance of the necessary routines of day-to-day living.

Robin Hobb, Assassin’s Apprentice

Sharon Kay Penman

Coventry’s worldly bishop had few peers when it came to conversational ambushes, laying his verbal snares so deftly that his quarry rarely sensed danger until it was too late.

Sharon Kay Penman, The Queen’s Man

Donna Barba Higuera

I know stories can’t always have happy endings. But if there are chances for us to do better, we have to say out loud the parts that hurt the most.

Donna Barba Higuera, The Last Cuentista


    • Veronica

      For sure 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

    • Veronica

      Thanks 😀 I know you like to give teasers too!

    • Veronica

      Thanks, I’m certainly very happy about that 😊!

  1. I love that you included quotes from each of the authors books that you’ve mentioned. I don’t think any reader could see the first of them and not find themselves intrigued given the book love involved. The Phoenix Heart one made me laugh.

    This year I majorly need to read something by Robin Hobb and pick up the Wayward Children books. I’m hoping to start one of Deanna Raybourn’s series too 🤞 and plenty of the others are on my TBR somewhere, I just don’t know exactly when I’ll get to them as I have so much I want to read 😂

    I hope 2025 brings even more new favourite authors your way.

    • Veronica

      Thank you 😀 & I kind of picked that book love quote on purpose because I know readers would appreciate that!
      I’m currently listening to the second season of Phoenix Heart and it does sometimes makes me chuckle with commentary like that.

      Oh for sure, that’s exactly how I feel about everything I want to read too! lol And more new favs for you too 😀

      • I’m not surprised to hear that. I’ve fallen for similiar ones in other books in the past. Aww that’s wonderful to hear. I really need to try and check out more books that can make me laugh. I’m glad you’re enjoying the second season.

        It’s hard even knowing where to begin at times 😂 thank you 🥰

        • Veronica

          I finished season 2 yesterday and while it did make me laugh at times it was also intense and full of action, goodness gracious!!

          Yeah, agreed. Decision paralysis is real. lol

          • Wow sounds like the perfect combination then 🥰

            Too true 😅

  2. These are new to me as well. Isn’t it amazing how many books and authors there are in the world. Even when you’re sure you’ve read all of them, there’s always more to discover. More’s the fun. They weren’t new to me (I was aware of them) but I read Barbara Kingsolver, Octavia Butler, and Rick Riordan for the first time last year (https://jhohadli.wordpress.com/joannes-extra-ness/blogger-on-books-xii-2024). I expect I’ll be reading all of them again.

    • Veronica

      It really is amazing, even when we spend so much time as we do engaging with the book community there’s no way we could have heard of every author! And aren’t we lucky 🖤Oh my gosh, Octavia Butler is one I need to try and Rick Riordan’s were some of my favs as a kid so I have a soft spot in my heart for his books.

  3. A few of my favorites! I love everything I’ve ready by Becky Chambers (and just wish there were more books available right now!). I really enjoy Deanna Raybourn’s books too, and Seanan McGuire is pure magic! How exciting to find so many new authors to love!

    • Veronica

      I still need to read all of Chambers works but I also hope we get more! I’m glad you enjoy all those authors too 🥰! & Yes, aren’t we so lucky!

    • Veronica

      Thank you! & I’m happy to have ‘discovered’ them for myself too 🙂
      My pleasure!

  4. What a great list of authors! I adore the Veronica Speedwell series! I wish she would announce the next one, but I think she’s still writing it! I hope you find many amazing authors in 2025!!

    • Veronica

      Thank you 🙂 & oh my gosh since I’m only at about the 6th book I thought it ended at 9! So you’re telling me there’s gonna be more? That’s fantastic news, woohoo! I hope you find just as many new favs this year, thanks 😀 !

  5. Athena @ OneReadingNurse

    This may or may not be my Hobbs year too it feels like the time! Tried and couldn’t get into Chambers at all this year haha thanks for dropping my post!

    • Veronica

      May it be the year of Hobb for both of us, then! Aw, well at least you tried. & My pleasure 🙂

  6. Gem

    Welcome to the Chambers and Hobb fan clubs! 😀

    I have Deanna Raybourn’s first Veronica Speedwell book on my TBR, looking forward to it!

    • Veronica

      Ahahah yay thank you, I find the people who are fans of these authors are super nice 🥰
      Yay, oh that’s so exciting I hope you love it !!

  7. The Last Cuentista is one of my all-time favorite middle grade novel. What a phenomenal story. Looking forward to finally checking out Andrew Joseph White. Sounds right up my alley. Hope you discover even more amazing authors in 2025!

    • Veronica

      I read it last year for the first time and I agree, I wish I would have read it as a kid but easily one of the best MGs I’ve read!
      I definitely need to read more AJW books since I only read one but based on it I’m convinced I’ll love the others too! Thanks so much and same to you, Alicia 🙂

  8. I love how you’ve done this week’s topic! I’m looking forward to reading more by some of these authors this year, especially Chambers, Raybourn and McGuire (and the latter two are new to me). I hope you discover many more new and amazing authors in 2025!

    • Veronica

      Thanks so much, Dini 🥰! Oh I’m excited for you to try them then! 🙂 & Thank you, I feel like in the bookish world telling someone you hope they find more new favs is like one of the nicest things to say. So same to you, may you find tons of new favs!

    • Veronica

      Thanks, Cathy! 🙂 Glad you liked my idea & let me pop over to your post!

    • Veronica

      Thanks, Vero! & Me too :D!!

  9. TNT

    Yay, you discovered Becky Chambers! I’ve enjoyed everything she’s written. For authors new to me I offer a sample, because there’s been a LOT. I enjoyed:
    Robin Wall Kimmerer (plants and spirituality), John Yau (non-fiction on art),
    Sarah Teasdale (poetry, available in Project Gutenberg),
    Emily Levesque (astronomy),
    Jesse Q Sutanto (humourous mystery),
    Sylvie Cathrall (science fantasy),
    Erin Morgenstern (fantasy)

    and that’s just the first half of the year!
    Happy reading.

    • Veronica

      Yess I am so glad to hear that 🙂
      OH interesting, I’ve heard of Robin Wall Kimmerer and I’ve been wanting to read Braiding Sweetgrass. The only one you listed that I’ve read is Erin Morgenstern but I’d love to read more from her. Sylvie Cathrall sounds up my alley too and yay for Project Gutenberg! 🙂 Happy reading to you too!

    • Veronica

      Thank You 🥰 & from the bit that I’ve read of her works, I have no problem believing that 😀

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