Spring 2025 New Releases on My Radar

Spring 2025 New Releases on My Radar

Hey bookworm friends! Today’s a very rainy day and the icy sidewalks are melting (Yess!) Mentally and emotionally, I’m over Winter, so let’s distract ourselves with thoughts of shiny new books. Even though Spring technically begins on the 20th of March in the northern hemisphere, I’m including new releases from March to May in this list. Without further ado, here are the Spring 2025 new releases that are on my radar!

Murder by Memory ā€“ Olivia Waite

Pub Date: March 18, 2025; Tordotcom
Cozy Mystery Sci-fi. A Murderer who not only kills but also deletes the minds of their victims.

Cello’s Gate ā€“ Maurice Africh

Pub Date: March 25, 2025; Second World Books
Sci-Fantasy. Sky pirates and a heist of mythic proportions.

Space Brooms! ā€“ A. G. Rodriguez

Pub Date: March 25, 2025; Angry Robot
Sci-fi. A custodian teams up with smugglers on an adventure.

Helen’s Judgement ā€“ Susan C. Wilson

Pub Date: March 25, 2025; Neem Tree Press
Mythology. Book 2 in The House of Atreus series, told in Helen’s POV.

Renegade Girls ā€“ Nora Neus & Julie Robine 

Pub Date: April 1, 2025; Second World Books
YA Historical Fiction, Graphic Novel. Queer Romance & Social Change in the 1880s.

A Song of Legends Lost ā€“ M. H. AyindeĀ 

Pub Date:Ā April 8, 2025; Orbit Books
Fantasy. A revenge story inspired by multiple pre-colonial cultures.

The Gods Time Forgot ā€“ Kelsie Sheridan Gonzalez

Pub Date:Ā April 8, 2025; Crooked Lane Books
Historical Romantasy. Irish Mythology meets Gilded Age New York.

The Lady of the Lake ā€“ Jean Menzies

Pub Date:Ā May 15, 2025; Michael Joseph
Sapphic Arthurian Inspired Fantasy Romance.

The Starving Saints ā€“ Caitlin StarlingĀ 

Pub Date:Ā May 20, 2025; Harper Voyager
Historical Fantasy, Medieval Horror. A castle under siege. A mysterious divine figure offers succor… or is it damnation?

The Knight and the Moth ā€“ Rachel Gillig

Pub Date:Ā May 20, 2025; Orbit Books
Romantasy. A gothic tale of a prophetess and a knight on an impossible quest.

I did my best to list the expected pub dates but you never know, dates can change. If youā€™re interested in any of these releases please make sure you keep an eye on the latest updates yourself.


  1. Gem @ Gem's Book Talk

    I’m really interested to see what people think of The Knight and the Moth – as that’s going to help me decide whether I want to read it!

    • Veronica

      That’s super fair, there are some books like that for me too where I wait to see what the general consensus is šŸ˜› I loved her first duology so I hope to pick it up sooner rather than later.

    • Veronica

      I agree, there are tons of shiny new books I’ve got my eye on! & I hope you like those if you give them a try šŸ™‚

    • Veronica

      Right? I do think all the covers are great and they stood out to me too šŸ˜€ !!

  2. I majorly cannot wait for The Moth & The Knight. It sounds incredible šŸ˜šŸ˜ I’m pretty curious about The Starving Saints too and Murder By Memory. I’d love to read the book about Helen but need to check out the Clytemnestraā€™s one first. I definitely plan to though.

    A couple of the others have caught my eye, the space type ones leaving me curious to hear more about them. I’m especially intrigued by A Song Of Legends Lost though. It sounds fantastic šŸ˜

    Wonderful list. I hope you enjoy all of these and will watch out for your thoughts on them.

    • Veronica

      Me too, and I know I like the author’s writing so it bodes well! Yes you definitely need to read the Clytemnestra first even though you know the overall story already, but I feel like you need the small details of this specific retelling to fully appreciate every subtlety. Can’t wait for you to read it!

      I’m glad you find a bunch of these titles intriguing as well šŸ˜€

      Thanks, I’m definitely better at making lists than at reading them all but I will definitely share my thoughts on any I get to šŸ˜€ I feel like I still haven’t even gotten to the books from my first anticipated list I ever made in 2022 šŸ¤«

  3. I’m *so* excited for The Knight and the Moth! The Gods Time Forgot also looks amazing and I’m surprised that I haven’t seen it mentioned around the blogosphere until now cos it looks like it would be a popular title (I’m totally judging the book by its cover here, lol)! I hope you enjoy all of these or whichever ones you get to this spring. Happy reading šŸ™‚

    • Veronica

      Yaay I’m so glad that one seems to be on so many people’s anticipated releases list! Aha I know what you mean, that cover looks like it should draw a massive crowd so I hope it’s amazing and that it gets a lot of eyes on it!! Thanks, Dini šŸ˜€ !

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