Blog Memes

A Slow Reading Month Ahead│#IMWAYR + Monday Music #6

Hey bookworm friends, the first week of October has been so full of activity and it’ll only get busier the closer Halloween gets! I also have several fun posts planned for this month but they require a lot more time and effort so I think I need to slow down my posting rate for this month. For the same reason, I suspect I have a slow reading month ahead. But in the meantime, today is #IMWAYR + Music Monday!

I’ll be linking up with Kathryn @ The Book Date for It’s Monday What Are You Reading?
Music Monday was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Currently Reading

So far this month I’ve DNF’d two audiobooks on the same day after just a few minutes (like, they’re not even worth logging as official DNFs 😂). I was in a mystery mood but the two cozies I tried were not doing it for me. So I picked up A Murderous Relation (Veronica Speedwell #5) because I know that Veronica and Stoker won’t let me down 🖤! I’m also reading Tale of the Flying Forest for an upcoming tour—keep an eye out for that!

Up Next

Right now I have A Dowry of Blood and The Phoenix Keeper out from the library so either one of them will likely be next. Honestly, I already know I’m only gonna have time for one and at least Dowry helps towards a goal so I’m leaning in that direction.

On The Blog Recently

Music Monday

I recently realized that two of my favourite bands have covered the same song. So for this week’s Music Monday, I thought it would be fun to choose the same song by the two artists and if anyone is interested they can see which version they prefer! Here we go, the original song is It’s A Sin by Pet Shop Boys. As covered by Lord of the Lost and also by Ghost. Feel free to let me know which cover does it better below! Or do you prefer the original? 😉

Lord of the Lost (2023)
Ghost (2018)

17 Comments on “A Slow Reading Month Ahead│#IMWAYR + Monday Music #6

  1. I hope you have a wonderful month and enjoy all of the activities that are keeping you busy 🥰

    I’m sorry to hear about the two DNF but hopefully the Speedwell book will live up to your expectations. I hope you enjoy the blog tour book too. I also hope you enjoy whichever of those two books you get to. Both are on my TBR. I guess season wise A Dowry Of Blood fits best though.

    Ooh fun to include two covers to compare. I think I probably prefer the first one. Which is your favourite?

    1. Thank you so much, Charlotte 🥰 I hope you have a fabulous month too. October really rivals December of activity lol.

      Oh yeah the Speedwell book is already incredibly entertaining so no worries on that front haha 🙂 Thanks, I’m looking forward to making more progress on the book tour book in time for my turn haha 🙂
      & Oh cool and yeah I totally agree! I think whichever one I don’t choose I’ll try again later anyways!

      haha thanks, I love to turn everything into a little game 😂 Hmm Interesting it’s so hard to choose which one I prefer 🤔 But if really pressed I’d say the first one too.

      1. Thank you 🥰 it doesn’t really for me but I don’t think Halloween is as big here really as it is where you are 😅

        Yay that’s wonderful to hear on both counts.
        That’s true, there’s always the option to order them back in.

        I guess that makes sense with your love of games 😂 ooh wow I didn’t know we’d go for the same one 🙂

    1. Thanks so much!! :)Yes I hope so too but not gonna lie I think my borrow is already running out of time 😨😆

  2. My October is full to overflowing — school projects, a review series I need to get cracking on, and several social events. This Saturday, for instance, I work until 1, have to stop by a fundraiser for the historic perservation board, and then run up to a friend’s house for skeet-shooting and karaoke! Later in the month I’m going to Birmingham to attend the booklaunch of a book I’ve got preordered, and to listen to the author talk to an Eastern Orthodox hermit living in the wilds of Scotland about staying human in the age of the machine.

    1. October is just such a busy time! Good luck with all your many projects 🙂
      Wow this Saturday sounds full to bursting but in such a fun way, I love days like that (but not if its every day haha).
      Oh wow that sounds like it’s going to be a very fascinating conversation!

    1. I highly recommend the Deanna Raybourn series if you like historical mysteries! 🙂 & it’s okay I didn’t miss out on anything and thank you I hope you have a good month too 😊😄!!

  3. I am not too far into the Veronica Speedwell series, but I enjoy it! I am glad you are enjoying A Murderous Relation! Tale of the Flying Forest looks good too. This is a fun time of year, but busy. I am behind in my reading, but hope to carve out some decent reading time here and there. I hope you have a great week!

    1. I am so glad you’re enjoying Veronica Speedwell too! Finished A Murderous Relation now and it was so good! For sure I agree, such a fun time of the year but never enough time to do everything I want haha! I know that feeling and I hope you’re able to make some time for reading this month♥! Thanks and I hope you’re having a great weekend now 🙂

    1. Thank you yes I agree especially the cover for Tale of the Flying Forest! & Thanks I hope you’re having a lovely weekend now 🖤!

    1. Hi Sharlene, Thank you :)! I’m glad you enjoyed Music Monday, I don’t know if many people do but it’s one of my favourite memes! I’m also a new reader of your blog 🙂 !!

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