Finishing Up My Magic Readathon TBR│#IMWAYR + Monday Music #5

Finishing Up My Magic Readathon TBR│#IMWAYR + Monday Music #5

Hey bookworm friends, once again it’s time for #IMWAYR + Music Monday! Since the month is almost over I’m just working on finishing up my magic readathon TBR! Once I finish my current reads I’ll have read all the necessary books to pass the semester!

I’ll be linking up with Kathryn @ The Book Date for It’s Monday What Are You Reading?
Music Monday was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Just Finished

I just finished the first volume of the Descender graphic novels this morning and it’s the first 5-star read I’ve had in a while! I borrowed the Omnibus from the library so I can hopefully plow through the rest of the series!

Currently Reading

Please wish me luck finishing up my Magic Readathon TBR with my two current reads: Crying in H Mart and the audiobook of Phoenix Heart, Season 1. And yes for some reason Phoenix Heart is thought of in seasons! This is the first time I have seen something like this and it seems like the author does that for her other projects as well. Each novella comes out individually (and it continues the story directly where the last one left off) and then they are collected in a season box set regardless of what format it’s in. I like that system a lot!

Up Next

I found this while randomly browsing the library and as soon as I saw the words “medieval mystery” and “Eleanor of Aquitaine” I made a beeline to the checkout counter! I listed it as part of my priority TBR for fall so I hope to get to it soon.

On The Blog Recently

Music Monday

For this week’s song, I chose The Wailin’ Jennys cover of the old English Folk Song Old Churchyard because it’s beautiful and haunting. Since it’s a song from the oral tradition, there are countless variations of it and some are hymns but I specifically love that the lyrics in this version are secular. There’s something about autumn and folk songs that go together like peanut butter and green apples (aka perfectly, thank you). If you want to listen to more autumnal songs I made a whole playlist that you can find in my last post.

Album: Fifteen Year Published: 2017 Genre: Folk


  1. I’ve read several Penmans and enjoyed them all, but especially “Here be Dragons”, about John’s relationship with the Welsh royalty.

    Favorite folk song is a tough one for me because I listen and sing so many, but “Annie Laurie” is a special favorite. The version I know best is the Corries’:

    Will have to give the one you spotlighted a listen once I’m home! I got into folk music a strange way, through American CIvil War music: my area used to host a battle reenactment, and there would always be a band playing songs from the north and south. When I got into memorizing them, I realized some were based on the same tunes, and then I realized they were based on existing folk songs and thus began my education into musical culture!

    • Veronica

      Ah, I have heard of Here Be Dragons and I was on the fence on whether I would like it, if I like this one then I might try it eventually.

      I actually thought you might like my pick this week because I remember when we were talking about Bluegrass music and this band is kind of labeled as folk/bluegrass. Oh I’ll have to go listen to it later and I’ll let you know what I think. Also, I didn’t know you sang, that’s nice 🙂 !

      That is an interesting way to get into music but based on what I know about your love of history that adds up hahah 🙂 Yeah that’s so true, I’ve had experiences where I recognize a song and its because it’s based off a folk song, especially if they’re ones that Celtic Thunder covered because I like them a lot 🙂 Very cool!

      • Constantly, and since I was a kid. It gets me in trouble at work. 😉 I sing tenor in my church choir, but it’s also how I spend many evenings and any party with a kareoke machine.

        • Veronica

          Oh hahah that’s too funny 😂 That’s nice, I used to sing in a church choir back when I was a kid but I am way too shy to sing in public and anyways I don’t think I have the skill but I do love Korean style Karaoke where you just book a room and you can sing to your heart’s content while no strangers watch you. Though if you’re brave enough to sing in public that’s amazing!!!

  2. Kathy M Martin

    Interesting assortment of books. I like the idea of grouping novellas into a collection. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    • Veronica

      Thank you, Kathy! I agree, it makes it easier to read a ton of novellas back to back and get invested when they’re all collected like that 🙂 I will pop by your blog.

    • Veronica

      Thank you 🙂 & Oh I’m intrigued, which series are you reading that do that too if you don’t mind me asking?
      I hope you have a great week too! 🙂

    • Veronica

      I am trying to do this thing where I just go browse at the library and purposely grab something I’ve never heard of before to kind of recreate my childhood experiences of the library before goodreads and such. haha

    • Veronica

      Thanks, Jodie! I feel like I can do this! And I appreciate the kind message, I hope you have a wonderful week as well ♥!

  3. The title, Crying in the H Mart has my attention. I’ll be eager to read your review.

    • Veronica

      Yes Crying in H Mart is a great title and also it’s exactly what it says on the tin. I’m not sure if I’ll write a review honestly because I tend to not write a lot of reviews for memoirs, but I can say that it’s been heartbreaking to read so far and I’m kind of awed at how Michelle Zauner is so vulnerable in here. I’ve been reading it a bit slowly because it’s quite a heavy read in terms of subject matter. But if you like that sort of memoir about a mother/daughter relationship I say it’s absolutely worth a read !

  4. Aww yay I’m glad you found a five star read, I hope the rest of the series is just as wonderful. Good luck with the books left on your readathon TBR, you can do it. I hope you’re enjoying them both. I think I’ve seen the odd book described as seasons before too but I’m not 100% 🤔 if so it was with one of the ones that started off as free on Amazon. Ooh I hope you enjoy The Queens Man too, I added it to mu TBR after your other post. I’ve never tried peanut butter and green apples together but I definitely agree about the autumn feel of the song.

    • Veronica

      I’m actually having a hard time with Crying in HMart only because it’s such a heavy subject I can’t read large chunks of it in one sitting. The writing is so good and the author is so vulnerable. I am enjoying The Queen’s Man, I started it already to balance the heaviness of the other one. I hope you enjoy it too!

      oh my gosh green apples & peanut butter is one of my favourite snacks or breakfasts and I think it’s suitable for fall. lol I’m glad you agree about the song though hahaha

      Ah yeah that makes sense

      • I’m glad it’s well written and so powerful, sorry to hear that the heavy topic makes it hard to get through though. Hopefully having the other book to balance it out will help. I’m glad you’re enjoying it, thank you.

        Well it certainly sounds like a fall type snack 😂 maybe I’ll have to try it sometime. Spread wise I tend go gravitate towards Biscoff though 😂😂

        • Veronica

          Yeah, I finally continued on a bit today and I definitely cried! Thanks
          Oh wait, what’s Biscoff? Cookie spread? I am so curious, I’ve never heard of that before but it sounds tasty…now I really wanna try it!

          • Aww that definitely sounds like a powerful read them. It’s more like spiced cookie spread. Do you get those Lotus biscuits with coffee (I think that’s the name, they’re not lotus flavoured though) sometimes where you are? Because it’s basically those but in spread form.

          • Veronica

            It is powerful for sure.
            I can’t say I’ve had them but I looked them up and they do look tasty!! I would definitely taste them as is but also in spread form, yum.

          • If you ever do try them let me know. The spread is also lovely melted and poured on ice cream, although if you try that don’t heat it for too long or it can burn 😂

          • Veronica

            Oh my goshh that sounds absolutely delicious! I will keep that in mind if I ever find that spread! & Noted: no burning the cookie spread 👍🏽

  5. Descender sounds like everything in my reading wheelhouse got put into one book, so I’m really excited about adding it to the TBR. I also shared the Penman title with my mom, who is also very fond of a medieval mystery (and might also have the stamina to read some of Penman’s historical novels, which look daunting to me!).

    • Veronica

      Oh my gosh yes Descender surprised me with how much I loved it and I haven’t finished the series yet but I plan to continue it soon! I hope you love it if you pick it up. Nice, I hope your mom enjoys it, I’m only at the beginning but I enjoy a good medieval mystery as well! I’ll have to see if I want to try Penman’s historical novels… I’m on the fence about them for now. A friend read one and said there were too many characters to keep track of and that’s what’s got me worried lol.

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