
Game Night│Book Tag

Hey bookworm friends, it’s time for another book tag! I love playing board games, I come from a family of gamers and my husband and I have a pretty solid collection at home. One of my favourite places in my city is the Snakes and Lattes board game cafe; there’s nothing better than spending a day there trying new games! So when I saw the Game Night Book Tag, I knew I had to try it.

Credit for the creation of the “Game Night” tag goes to the lovely Witty and Sarcastic Book Club.

Grab your favourite snacks, a group of friends, and a pile of board games—Let’s Play!

Even Though I Knew The End by C.L. Polk

I loved this book so much. The blend of noir mystery, historical fantasy, and sapphic romance was perfection!
My review.

The Antique Hunter’s Guide to Murder by C. L. Miller

Huh, two C.Ls in a row, I promise I didn’t do that on purpose! 😂
Anyway, I went for the ‘Treasure’ angle for this prompt. Since it’s about an antique hunter and the mystery involves valuable stolen artifacts, it certainly fits! It was a fun story but it didn’t wow me.

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

The main character is a spy for the Invisible Library and her job is to harvest stories from different realities. Therefore there is a lot of travel back and forth between alternative worlds and the library itself throughout the whole series.
My review.

The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport by Samit Basu

This sci-fi had a lot of cool ideas.  There’s an invisible drone, a wish-granting Jinn, a corrupt oligarch who makes a fantastic villain, a space hero, and Mecha-Kaiju fights. Plot-wise this book was all over the place, I compared it to a tiny car, stuffed to the brim with clowns.

Tides of Darkness by Aaron Rosenberg

In this installment of World of Warcraft novels, Orgrim Doomhammer, having seized control over the Orcish Horde, is now determined to conquer the rest of Azeroth. I read 4 of these novels and surprisingly really loved them! I would love to continue this series at some point but I’ve forgotten a lot.

Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh

When I was in high school I discovered Hyperbole and a Half in the form of her blog and fell in love with her zany stories and awkward stick figures. Then years later I found them collected in book form and adored them again! More recently I read her second book—Solutions and Other Problems— and it was great though not as iconic as this one!

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

Say what you will about The Name of the Wind but the prose is gorgeous! I adored this book and if we ever get the next book I’ll be reading it. In the meantime, I’m not too fussed because it’s not like I’m ever gonna run out of things to read!🤷‍♀️

I will give Wingspan as an example of an indie board game. It’s currently my favourite game!

Ducks: Two Years In The Oil Sands by Kate Beaton

This graphic memoir won Canada Reads in 2023 and I think everyone should read it! It’s Beaton’s memoir of the time she worked in Alberta’s Oil Sands and deals with heavy topics such as sexual assault, and the destruction of the environment. Although her experiences shook her worldview, she offers a nuanced and human viewpoint.

10 Comments on “Game Night│Book Tag

  1. What a fun tag. We love playing board games and have enjoyed most of the ones you mention although have never played Wingspan. I think my favourite at the moment is Azul although love Spice Road too.

    1. Yay I’m glad you love board games too! Well the creator gave the examples of the games for the prompt (the only one I added was Wingspan because I never wanna miss a chance to talk about it hahha).
      Oh I love Azul but have not played Spice Road yet though!

  2. I love board games although don’t get to play them over often, mostly at Christmas. I haven’t heard of two of these though and although I know of some of the others there are a fair few I’ve never tried 🙈

    The books you’ve picked for each prompt fit really well too. I haven’t heard of a lot of them either. Reading your thoughts on The Invisible Library really reminds me that I need to check it out too. It sounds like such an incredible premise. The Name Of The Wind is definitely on my high priority list too as it’s ridiculous that i haven’t read it yet. And what reader can resist exquisite prose?

    I’m definitely saving this tag to try out sometime. My favourite boardgame is probably monopoly or scrabble. Although I really like backgammon too. I need to try out some of the newer ones though.

    1. There’s just so many board games out there that it’s physically impossible to play them all and that’s both wonderful and sad lol!

      I’m glad you think my books fit the prompts well, yay! 😁🥰 The Invisible Library has such a fun premise, I agree and it’s such a romp! I do need to finish the series still though! Yes, the Name of the Wind is wonderful and you’re right how can you not love gorgeous prose? 😛I’d love to know what you think when you get to it 🙂
      Awesome can’t wait to see your version of the tag then! Scrabble is fun but I’m not good at getting high scores hahaha

    1. Oh my gosh that’s awesome! 🖤Allie Brosh is great and you should definitely read the first one though maybe you read the stories on the website if you were on there back in the day coz it would be the same stories.

    1. Oh well I’m glad you got to see it now then haha 😛 & that’s awesome. Did you have any fav ones as a kid? & if you do give it a try, I’d love to see it! 🖤

    1. That’s alright luckily the prompts are interesting even if you don’t play many games I think, if you do it I’d love to see it! 😄

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