Goodreads TBR Cleanup │#2

Goodreads TBR Cleanup

Hey bookworm friends, it was August last time we met for my first Goodreads TBR Cleanup. Since then I’ve read about 25 books (🎉) but my TBR has grown by 189 books (gulp, that’s about 100 more books than I read in a year). It’s currently sitting at an ungodly 2,958 ‘Want to Read’. I always knew my TBR grew at a much faster pace than I could manage but actually measuring it is something else—why did I even think that was a good idea?😆I don’t know how much doing this helps but it’s fun so I’m gonna keep doing it!

The original creator of GoodReads TBR Cleanup Meme is Mega Bunny Reads.

  • Go to your Goodreads want-to-read shelf.
  • Ask Siri to pick a number between 1 and however many books are on the list.
  • Go to that book and look at it and the 4 after it, for a total of 5.
  • Read the synopses of the books.
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?
  • Discuss here.

The number generated was: 840

Book 1

Cover Leads to GoodReads

The Girl & The Galdurian by Tim Probert (Lightfall #1)
An adorable-looking fantasy MG graphic novel with a glowing review from a friend with similar taste? That’s not going anywhere except hopefully eventually on the “I loved this” pile.

Keep It

Book 2

Cover Leads to GoodReads

Tomorrow by Damian Dibben
I initially added it to the TBR because it’s about a dog but I’ve since learned that I don’t deal well with books with a dog’s POV. I don’t want to watch 200 years of war and heartbreak through a dog’s eyes.

Toss it

Book 3

Cover Leads to GoodReads

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest (The Clockwork Century #1)
This one’s on my physical TBR. I purchased it at a used bookstore because I wanted to read more Steampunk and that remains true. But I have yet to touch this and that’s on me 😆.

Keep It

Book 4

Wild and Wicked Things by Francesca May
This YA fantasy romance seems like it’s slightly Gatbsy-inspired. And upon reading the synopsis nothing stands out or excites me so I’m quite happy to pass.

Toss It

Book 5

Cover Leads to GoodReads

Of Bone And Thunder by Chris Evans
I’m less sure about this one. It’s Military Fantasy inspired by the Vietnam War, which could be interesting or I could hate it. I honestly haven’t read anything I’d consider military fantasy so I don’t know how I feel about it. It has a dragon on the cover, which is a big sell so for now, it stays.

Keep It

Alright, those are my 5 books for the Goodreads TBR Cleanup! I got rid of two this time which seems like a win to me 👍🏽


    • Veronica

      Well, I don’t know if it’s actually set in Vietnam or if it’s a fantasy version inspired by that time period. It says Apocalypse Now meets The Lord of the Rings which is not a comparison I’ve ever seen before.

  1. Nic

    Well, it could be worse. Those 189 books could be additions to your physical TBR 😆

    • Veronica

      Ahaha that’s weirdly a cheery though! It could be worse indeed 😂

    • Veronica

      Same here I haven’t read any of her books yet but there are a few that sound up my alley! Awesome, I hope you like Boneshaker if you try it then!

  2. Really fun approach to cleaning up the TBR! I may have to give it a try 🙂 I read Boneshaker many years ago and really liked it — good choice to keep it! Cherie Priest is terrific, so I think you’ll enjoy it!

    • Veronica

      Thanks and I thought it was a fun way to clean the TBR too! 🙂 Oh that’s wonderful I’m so glad you loved it and that bodes well for me then 😄🧡

  3. Congratulations on reading 25 books since you last did this. That’s incredible!! I’ve still been a bit slumpy but I really want to get reading again so I’m hoping I’m over it. (The plan is to start the Daevabad Trilogy tomorrow, I wanted to Sunday but I had a migraine then today I’ve been busy until now and I can feel my headache again in the background so I’m hoping to read a handful of blog post, get an early night and have a fresh start with reading tomorrow 🤞🤞)

    I can’t quite believe how much your TBR has grown since you last did this though. 189 books in a few months 😲 thank goodness I don’t have any numbers for mine 😂

    I love what you’ve said about the first book hopefully going nowhere except from your ‘I loved this’ pile. And I feel like you’ve probably made the right choice with that dog book, given what you’ve said in the past. War through a dogs eyes sounds like it could be pretty tough.

    I hope you enjoy the steampunk book whenever you read it and I haven’t particularly read any military fantasy either. I’ve read one in a miliary academy but it had other things going on. And I have the other that you tossed on my TBR 😂 although I’ll admit I’ve forgotten what it’s about.

    • Veronica

      Thank you so much🥰
      Aw sorry to hear you’re still a bit slumpy but I’m hoping that’ll be done soon so you can end the year reading something fabulous! I hope your migraine goes away soon ♥🤞🏽 & Enjoy Daevabad, I haven’t read yet myself but heard great things about it.

      I know I’m just very trigger happy with that ‘want to read’ button 😂 Yeah you’re better off not having numbers to haunt you lol.

      hah aww thank you & at least the fact that you agree with my thought process makes me feel good about my choices hehe 🥰

      I’m very on the fence if I’m ever going to read or like military fantasy but since I love fantasy in general I’m thinking I should give one a chance someday. And you’re right maybe if there are other things happening it’ll be more interesting. Ahaha that’s funny and no worries I suppose it won’t matter unless you try it 😂😂

      • Thank you. My migraine actually returned that night but it did go eventually. And I’m doing better with my reading now (I hope). I’ve read the first book and adored it so I’m very excited to check the sequels out. The world is just divine and the stakes felt exception high for the first in a series.

        Same here, although as I haven’t made a shelf for those options yet I just screenshot books or jot their names down on notes then add them into my list later.

        Yes it sounds like you’ve got good reasons for each decision.

        I get what you mean as i doubt I’d be into one that was all about battles and strategies. But I guess you never know until you try. And lots must have other elements at play too. Hopefully they’ll work for you if you ever try them out.

        • Veronica

          Oh gosh that’s so annoying but glad it eventually got better 🙂 Yay I’m happy for you🥰! Ohh that does sound amazing and exciting!

          Your ‘Want to read’ list just takes various different shapes haha😂
          Yeah, I’m keeping my mind open until I try one lol. Thanks 🙂

          • Thanks. I suffer from them unfortunately and get phases like that. It really was. I’m hopefully starting the sequel tomorrow (was going to be today but I’ve got another headache that’s quite intense).

            It really does 😂 but I can’t reorganise it much more after my disastrous last attempt. I hope it goes well whenever that is 🥰

          • Veronica

            Aw I see, sending you a big hug and hope that current headache goes away soon 🙂

            hehe fair point, I do remember your last attempt and I’m guessing you don’t want to trigger another slump. Makes sense to me 🙂

          • Thank you 🥰

            Yeah definitely not. Next time I’m tackling it in phases. But I’m hoping to read a lot of high priority reads first anyway.

          • Veronica

            A very good plan 🙂 !!

  4. Oh I like this idea – it’s less intimidating than just staring at the total list and trying to decide which of them to keep and which to scrap 🙂

    • Veronica

      Yes I agree, one little bit at a time helps with that overwhelming feeling. Plus it’s different every time so I like that too 🙂

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