Hey bookworm friends! Since this is my first post of 2025, I wish you all love, safety, and excellent books in the new year. As I’m still gathering my reading stats, I wanted to catch you up on what I’m currently reading; It’s been a while since I last posted for #IMWAYR + Music Monday!

I’ll be linking up with Kathryn @ The Book Date for It’s Monday What Are You Reading?
Music Monday was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek
Music Monday
The first Music Monday song for 2025 is A Lifetime of Adventure by Tuomas Holopainen and Johanna Kurkela, because it feels fitting. It’s weirdly niche in that it’s music inspired by Don Rosa’s graphic novel The Life & Times of Scrooge McDuck. I think winter is the perfect time to listen to this ethereal song, so full of nostalgia and longing for adventure! Leave it to Tuomas to write a song about that gold-loving duck that HITS SO HARD! But credit where credit is due: Johanna’s magical voice also gives me the shivers every time.
Album: Music Inspired By The Life And Times Of Scrooge │ Year Published: 2014 │ Genre: Classical/Celtic Folk Music
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Just Finished

The first book I finished in 2025 is Miss Amelia’s List by Mercedes Lackey—review to come.
Currently Reading

Still re-reading Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2) with a friend but had put it on hold for most of Dec due to the holidays. Now that I’m back I’m 31% in! The first audiobook of this year is Dreams Lie Beneath and I’m so excited to finally be trying Rebecca Ross! I’ve heard great things about this standalone and so far I’m really enjoying it! Also today I’m starting Adrift In Currents Clean and Clear because it comes out tomorrow!!
Up Next

Next Up, my hold for Behemoth came in so I can continue on with my Leviathan buddy read! And better late than never, my hold for The Fright Before Christmas is almost available. I’ll be ready with my Yuletide monster facts for next year 😆!
On The Blog Recently
Let’s chat in the comments!
What are you currently reading? Do you read Christmas books after the fact? Feel free to link your most recent post in my comments & I’ll visit your blog! 🖤
Happy 2025! Did you enjoy the Lackey? I’ve read three of her works and liked them all. Ex girlfriend gave me a stack of them when I was recovering from an operation back in 2022.
Happy 2025 to you!! 🙂 I did enjoy it, I like her style where it’s kind of slow as we get to spend time with a character and we see the minute details of their everyday life. The first book I read was following the details of rearing a baby dragon and now this one was the details of moving to a new place, setting up your wardrobe, meeting new people, going to balls and such. Did you find the ones you read were like that too? BUT this one had one really weird thing where most of the action happened in the last 10 or 20 pages of the book, it threw me off and yet I still enjoyed parts of it. 😵
One of them was a bit like that, Beauty and the Werewolf. She really goes into the weeds of how Belle learns to communicate with the spirits inside the Beast’s castle.
Okay, that sounds delightful I love that sort of stuff as long as the action doesn’t entirely get forgotten until the end. I was starting to wonder if the book wasn’t a ‘standalone’ after all 😂.
It’s always exciting when new books are published that we wait for or they become available for us at the library. I have a Christmas one I am still waiting for too!
Yes I agree, it’s such a fun feeling! & I hope yours arrives soon 🙂
Happy New Year. I hope you have a wonderful year filled with lots of fun and new favourites. I clicked play on your song and was just thinking ‘this sounds Christmasy’ when I got to that part of your description. It certainly sounds Haunting (and not like something I’d have associated with Scrooge McDuck 😂).
I’ve added the first book in that Mercedes Lackey series to my TBR after you shared it before. The cover was too beautiful not to look up and it sounded very intriguing. Plus the authors one I really want to try.
I haven’t finished my first book of the year yet but if it’s not today (I think it’s going to depend on how long my catch up takes today and if the headache I have hovering gets any worse) it should definitely be tomorrow. And I’m loving it, which is what counts most anyway.
I’ll have to watch out for your thoughts on that Rebecca Ross book (which I own but haven’t read 🙈) and hope TID reread and latest Seanan McGuire go well.
Your festive monster book reminds me of one I’m in two minds about reading 😂 its about the darker origins of Christmas traditions and I’ve already decided that if I do have and try it out it’ll be a Halloween and not a Christmas read 😂😂
I hope you have a fantastic January and enjoy both of your rereads.
Happy New Year, Charlotte! And wishing you endless 5-star books! Ahaha that’s funny glad you felt the same as me about the song! If I didn’t know that it’s about Scrooge I never would have guessed either lol.
Yes, I added the first one of that series too since I enjoyed it enough to read more from that same world.
Yes you’re right, enjoyment is the #1 thing and I hope your headache doesn’t get worse. That Rebecca Ross book is fun so far and thank you!
Ahh cool. what your darker Christmas traditions book called? It’s clearly a topic i’m keen to learn more about too and I think doing it for Halloween is a fun idea! Wishing you a delightful start to the year too.
Thank you 🥰 I hope you come across mountains of 5 star reads too.
Ooh that’s wonderful to hear. I hope you enjoy the first Installment too whenever you get to it.
Thanks. I seem to be having one of those phases where it keeps returning. I know why but it’s still annoying.
That’s wonderful 🥰 I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
The Dead Of Winter by Sarah Clegg. I’ll admit the cover is what first caught my eye 😂 and thank you ❤️
Thanks & here’s hoping! Oh gosh, that is annoying 😞.
Okay wow that cover is so fun and I’ve added Dead of Winter to my TBR! Thanks 😀
It is but I’m hoping I’m passed it again for now 🤞
I hope you enjoy it whenever you pick it up. I’m hoping I may read it in October 😂 I’m intrigued but I don’t think I can face treating it as a festive read.
Nice looking assortment of books. I enjoy Mercedes Lackey’s books but am a bit behind on that series. Thanks for visiting my blog. Happy reading!
Thank you, and I am very behind too since this is the only one I’ve read but it works as a standalone so now I want to explore that series more! Happy reading to you too!
Happy New Year! Can you believe that I STILL haven’t read any Seanan McGuire books. I need to remedy this in 2025 I swear. Happy reading!
Haha well I only discovered her last year so I can believe it don’t you worry, maybe this is your Seanan year and it’s never too late! 🙂 Happy reading to you too!