Hey bookworm friends! I hope you’ve all been having a lovely January. There’s currently a polar vortex making its way through my area and we’re all trying to burrow into the blankets 🥶. I even have to make my pup wear a lil’ hat when we go out, and it makes me giggle every time. Technically, it was a hat I bought for myself for Halloween but it fits him and needs must when it’s so frigid he refuses to do his business! As for little shoes, I wish he would wear them but he removes them immediately, the little demon, and anyway he’s so spoiled he gets picked up immediately afterward so it doesn’t matter! Okay, enough distractions; it’s #IMWAYR + Music Monday!


I’ll be linking up with Kathryn @ The Book Date for It’s Monday What Are You Reading?
Music Monday was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek
Music Monday
The other day I was at the gym when I received a message from a friend telling me that Coheed and Cambria are going on tour this summer! I got so excited that I immediately looked up to see if they had any new music and I indeed found a few new singles (new album out in March) but I especially loved Someone Who Can. I had such a fun time listening to it that I stayed at the gym for longer than I normally do so I just knew I had to share it this week 🥰!
Album: Vaxis – Act III: The Father of Make Believe│ Year Published: 2025 (March 14) │ Genre: Progressive Rock
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Just Finished

Finished my Clockwork Prince buddy read finally and I was happy to discover that it’s firmly still a 5-star as far as I’m concerned. What a fun ride!
Currently Reading

I listened to season one of Phoenix Heart last year and liked it so I’m happily listening to the audiobook for season 2 now 😊. The Fright Before Christmas is one I’m reading slowly, one chapter or monster per day and it’s very entertaining! I’m gonna need to start a new book today but not sure which one yet.
Up Next

Next Up, here is what I currently have out from the library: two graphic novels from the teen section. Leaf is a wordless graphic novel by Daishu Ma. An Outbreak of Witchcraft is a historical fiction account of the Salem Witch Trials. Both look great.
On The Blog Recently
Bookish Lists:
– Series Tracker: Series Started Before 2024
– My Bookish Goals for 2025
– Spotify Wrapped 2024 │Book Tag
Let’s chat in the comments!
Have you read any of these? I’d love to know what you think!
Omg aww I can’t believe he’s wearing a hat of yours. The shoe thing doesn’t surprise me though as anytime my dibs have had to wear socks due to bandages they’ve been determined to pull them off. Or hopped 🙈
Ooh yay I’m so happy that a group you love us touring and that you found new songs by them. The one you’ve shared does seem pretty catchy. I hope you manage to get tickets to see them.
Yay about the continued five star. I actually think I fell in love with TID even more the second time around so I’m not surprised to hear it. Are you rereading the finale too? It sounds like you have an interesting mix of books on the go and that sounds like a fun way to approach the monster book. Whatever else you end up picking up I hope you enjoy too. Ooh let me know how the witch trial one goes. I know I still need to try out the format but the subject always intrigues me so if its good I’ll add it to my TBR.
I’m not reading anything at the moment (I’ve been spending too much time trying to catch up blog wise 🙈) but I got accepted for an arc of Old Soul today and I’m hoping to start it tomorrow. I still have a bit of blog stuff to finish first but I’m looking forward to curling up with a book afterwards.
Dibs??? 🙈🙈 still it’s not as bad as my middle finger emoji mess up a few days ago
Ehehe in this blog we celebrate funny typos. I will treasure it!
It’s a little ‘scarf hat’ thingy so the only reason it fits him is that I can wrap the loops around a couple times 😂. Ahah yeah it takes a dog with the patience of a saint to wear the shoes, I think.
I’ve seen them before and they are amazing live, this time around though we’re planning on getting tickets together with some high school friends so I’m double excited and hoping we can make it happen! 🤞🏽
That’s so awesome that you loved TID even more on the re-read, clearly it has staying power! 🖤 We’re planning on rereading the whole of the Shadowhunters saga including the parts we haven’t read yet. We’re doing it slowly so it’ll take a whileeee but that’s okay its enjoying the ride that counts!
Ah okay I’ll let you know about the witch trial book.
Aw that’s okay, I understand. ♥ Old Soul, I think I saw you mention that one in a list, I hope you enjoy it!
Aww makes sense how that would help with it fitting 😂 yes I’ve never known one to be a fan of them.
Ooh that sounds fun and I totally get how that would add to the excitement. I hope you manage to do it and that you all have a fantastic time.
That sounds like a lot of fun. I hope you enjoy it 🥰 I’m definitely rereading and finishing The Last Hours this year and want to at least get to Ghosts Of The Shadow Market too. I’d love to reread the whole series one day though.
Thank you.
Yes my first TTT post. I’m really hoping I’ll enjoy it as horror isn’t my go to genre but it’s one I want to try more and this particular title really appealed to me. I’ve still been distracted by blog stuff (and a horrid headache) but I’m definitely starting tonight 😊
Aha I’ve seen dogs in my neighbourhood wearing the little shoes and always tell Cheeto he could learn a thing or two from them 😆.
Thank you !! 🙂
That’s a good plan, I hope you enjoy that lots! 🙂
Yes that’s it! Ah yay okay I hope you love it and that it’s not too terrifying in a bad way haha. The premise does sound intriguing! 🙂
I do the same with my dog and swimming 😂 she always loves splashing but doesn’t seem to believe she can swim for some reason.
Thank you 🥰
Thanks again. It was pretty good in the end just very hard to get into initially. I’ll have to figure out what to try for my next attempt at horror 😂
Aww oh my gosh that’s so cutee, she just needs to believe in herself sweet pup, you can do it!!! I also love videos of dogs ‘swimming’ in the air 😂.
I am curious to see what you try next too 🙂
Aww I’ll let her know you said that 😂 my last dog hated the idea of swimming too though 🤔 omg do you mean the carpet thing they do that looks like it? Because she does that all the time 😂
I’ll let you know once I’ve picked one up.
hehe okay good 🙂
& no I mean when someone holds a little dog up over water and they start to move their legs like they’re swimming but they’re just being held up. it cracks me up every time!
ok 🙂
Oh lol I’ve actually never seen that but it certainly sounds funny 😂
I’m currently re-reading “small is beautiful” by E.F. Schumacher, and I gotta say….2010 me was into some heady stuff. I REALLY wish I had my journal from back when I read this, but it’s the one I lost during a college movie. I got today off for MLK Day and tomorrow off for SNOWWWWW. 🙂
Ah, I hadn’t heard of it before. The topic sounds fascinating but is it accessible? I feel like it’s the type of book I want to read but if it’s not easily digestible I probably never will. Aww that’s too bad you lost your journal 🙁
Ah so you have an extra long weekend, very nice! I hope you’re staying warm.
I love your pup’s hat so much. It’s so cute! The Infernal Devices is one I picked up years and years ago. Don’t know how I’d feel about them today, but I still think they have stunning covers.
Thank you 🐶🖤!! The covers are peak 2000s and I love them too! That’s fair, sometimes I’m wary of rereading old favs but at least this one didn’t disappoint me 🙂
Omg, Cheeto and his frog hat are SO ADORABLE! 😍 Hope you all stay safe and warm as the polar vortex passes through. Wow, Coheed and Cambria is a band I haven’t listened to in *years* although I used to love them back in the day! I’m gonna listen to this song now and probably go back to my 00s playlist with all my emo songs cos it will undoubtedly make me miss tunes from back then, haha. 🫣
I’m currently reading Sweet & Bitter Magic by Adrienne Tooley (a group buddy read) and I’m Not Jessica Chen by Ann Liang (an ARC for next week). Enjoying both a lot but I also feel like picking up another historical romance since that seems to be my thing lately! A few of my favourite graphic novels are: Heartstopper, Pumpkinheads, Saga, We Are Big Time, Monstress, Giant Days, The Tea Dragon Society, and Check, Please to name a few… I can name quite a few more but I’ll stop myself now. 🤣 I hope you have a great week ahead, Vero!
He thanks thanks 🥰! Oh gosh yeah we’re staying cozy as we can, It hasn’t been this cold in a long time! Aha omg yesss so glad you used to love them. I used to listen to them in my high school days but I never stopped because they’re just always SO good!! I hope you had fun with your emo playlist, I have one of those too 😂🖤.
Ah fun, Sweet & Bitter Magic sounds good, I’m curious to see what you think of it! Aw I feel like I would love historical romances but I haven’t picked enough up!
Oh that is quite the list, I love it!! Let’s see I love a lot of those too but I need to get into Saga, Giant Days and The Tea Dragon Society. I see you have a couple of sports-themed ones! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week too, Dini 😘!
Loving the hat! 😀 And yeah, the polar vortex is no joke – y’all stay warm and safe! <3
I'm listening to the audio of Beautiful Ugly (because I have the hard copy but saw *Richard Armitage* narrating the audio and said "duh", lol) and rereading Pride & Prejudice 🙂
Thank you! 🐸 & I appreciate that, at least it’s much nicer normal winter weather now, phew!
Oh yes, Richard Armitage’s voice is a reason to listen to any audiobook! He’s the reason I listened to the Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde! I’m sure you’re enjoying your reread of P&P, sounds excellent! 🙂
I read Leaf. It one of those salient graphic novels where you let the pictures tell the story. The best thing about that is everyone gets a different story from it.
Have a great week.
Yeah there are specific themes for sure but different readers will certainly have different takeways from it, which I like 🙂 Thanks I hope you have a great week too! I’m a whole week late in replying, sorry!
I loved the infernal devices series, I would love to find time this s year to reread some of my favourite books.
Aw that’s awesome and I hope you get to reread some of your favs then 🙂 I don’t often do re-reads but I’ve been doing a few recently and I’m so happy that I’m making the time for it because it’s been wonderful!