It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? + Music Monday │#12

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? + Music Monday │#12

Hey bookworm friends! It’s once again time for another #IMWAYR + Music Monday. I hope everyone had a restful weekend and is hopefully staying safe and warm. My area is currently getting more snow than we’ve seen in years! I’ve been joking that we won’t be seeing the grass until August 😂. It’s also Reading Week break for my husband at work so I’m hoping to take that very literally and read a ton this week. I feel like I haven’t read much in February and I want to fix that.


Graphic courtesy of The Book Date

I’ll be linking up with Kathryn @ The Book Date for It’s Monday What Are You Reading?

Music Monday was created by Drew from The Tattooed Book Geek

Music Monday

Well now, THIS came as a complete and utter surprise to me! I recently discovered that Mr. Prince Caspian himself can sing, I had no clue. Thanks to Tammy from Books, Bones, and Buffy for bringing this to my attention, I saw her mention Ben Barnes‘ music on IG and went WHAT?! I immediately went to listen to Slow It Down and loved it, what a gorgeous song!

Album: Where the Light Gets In Year Published: 2025 (Out now!)  Genre: Pop/Folk

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

Currently Reading

I’m currently listening to Shades of Grey by Jasper Fforde for a Dystopian reading prompt. I’m making slow progress enjoying its humour and uniqueness. Despite that, I discovered it’s the type of book I would have preferred to read physically as it has very detailed worldbuilding and so many numbers and rules and slang I want to see. But oh well, at least the narrator is excellent. I’m also reading the ARC for Upon A Starlit Tide which comes out in two days. I’m only like 6 chapters in but already loving it, it’s deliciously atmospheric!

Up Next

Next on my library Holds list are: this cute-looking graphic novel Robot Dreams by Sara Varon and An Impossible Imposter (Veronica Speedwell #7). Next on my Netgalley queue for February, is the re-release of T. Kingfisher’s Swordheart which I’m hoping I can fit it in this month.

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  1. Kathy M Martin

    Shades of Grey does sound like a book where seeing the words would be helpful. I often read my Kindle copy of books like that before I listen to the audiobook. Your other books look good too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    • Veronica

      Yes, I love audiobooks but for some books it’s not the ideal reading experience and I love that you read them on Kindle in advance, that’s clever. I only borrowed the audio from the library, it didn’t occur to me to find the e-copy as well! lol
      Thank you for visiting, Kathy! I’m popping over to yours 🙂

    • Veronica

      I’m pretty sure it’s a trad pub rerelease of an older one! But I’ve been wanting to read it for a while so I’m looking forward to it! Thank you 🖤

  2. Jasper Fforde has a way of crafting such unique stories. I haven’t had a chance to read Shades of Grey, but I am glad you are enjoying it as well as Upon a Starlit Tide. I am interested in that one. All three of your upcoming reads sound good as well. I hope you enjoy all of them and have a great week!

    • Veronica

      It’s my first Fforde but I have a feeling it won’t be my last! 🙂 Hopefully, you’ll get to read it one day. Thank you, I hope you have a wonderful week as well!

    • Veronica

      Yes I was surprised as well, it’s not the type of music I typically listen to the most but it’s definitely beautiful and he has a great voice! I’d love to hear more from him too 🙂 Glad I stumbled on your story! lol

  3. Upon a Starlit Tide is high up on my TBR radar 🙂
    And oh Ben Barnes 😍😍😍 His singing is why I would happily jump on the bandwagon of having him play Flynn Rider in a live-action Tangled, lol … He definitely needs to do more singing.

    • Veronica

      I’m loving Upon A Starlit Tide a lot!! Oh my gosh wait what? Is that a thing that fans want? Because I didn’t know I wanted that but now I do! lol

  4. I hope you’re able to enjoy the snow, despite the havoc that it can cause. I pretty much never get snow 😥 so I generally adore it. Reading Work break sounds fantastic too. I hope you get to take advantage of the name excuse like you plan. I’m really hoping to majorly get reading over the next couple of weeks as I haven’t read in a couple of days again. So here’s hoping we both get some major reading sessions in.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying both of your current reads. I’m definitely checking Upon A Starlit Tide out sometime as I’ve seen so many rave reviews of it 😍 I’ll be interested to hear about the dystopian novel too though.

    I hope you enjoy all of your upcoming reads too. It looks like a lovely selection. And I’m sure Veronica Speedwell will be a hit with you again 🥰

    Wow Ben Barnes does have a great voice 😍 I don’t think I realised he sang either. Thanks for sharing ❤️

    • Veronica

      That’s so sweet thank you, but I am not a fan of the snow and neither is Cheeto, we’ve basically had to cancel all of our plans for the week haha because it just doesn’t make sense for anyone to leave the house if they don’t have to right now. hehe.

      I’ve definitely been reading more than before so I’m happy 🙂 I hope you can get some in too!! 🖤
      I will definitely post a review for Upon a Starlit Tide but maybe not for the other one because I feel like parts of it are going over my head like I’m almost done and I don’t feel like I have much to say about it 😓

      Right?! What a lovely surprise it was to discover that! My pleasure ♥

      • Aww I’m really sorry to hear that. I get what you mean though as if it’s deep travel must be a pain. Plus sometimes when it’s cold you can’t face going out. At least it gives you lots of cosy time at home?? Poor Cheeto too ❤️

        Thank you 🥰 I still didn’t manage tonight but I really hope to start tomorrow. I may have a quick Instagram catch up but that’s it 😂
        I’ll definitely watch out for it. With the other is that due to the format struggles? That’s part of what I worry about with audio, that I won’t take it in 🙈

        Definitely 🥰 how wonderful.

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