Hey bookworms, now that it’s mid-June I’m excited to organize my summer reading plans thanks to this week’s TTT topic! I have some ARCs to catch up on and a few books I want to prioritize this season. Additionally, my husband and I will be going on our honeymoon for most of July and we thought it would be fun to make a TBR specifically for the trip.
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up!
I’ll also be linking up with 746Books for #20booksofsummer24. I set myself a goal of 10 books for the summer, hopefully I can manage that.
The ARCs
These are the ARCs I need to work on reading, a few of these are already out and I’m just behind🥴. We Shall Be Monsters is for an upcoming book tour so that’s my current read.

We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim │Pub Date: June 25, 2024
Masquerade by O. O. Sangoyomi │Out Now
A Dark And Secret Magic by Wallis Kinney │Pub Date: Oct 8, 2024
Clytemnestra’s Bind by Susan C. Wilson │ Out No
Other Priorities
I have to continue in the Farseer Trilogy and I keep pushing back my library hold for Redsight. Next time it comes in I really have to commit to it! Most likely I’ll read both of these in August.

Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb
Redsight by Meredith Mooring
Honeymoon Reading List
We’re going to Italy (My husband has a conference in Milan) and then travelling through Finland (the actual honeymoon portion of the trip). The theme for this category is smutty romances. I’m cheating this week by having more than 10 books but to be fair we’ll need a lot of reading material for the planes and trains!

That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming
Get A Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent
Dark Lover by J.R. Ward
Court of the Vampire Queen by Katee Robert
The Orc From Accounting by Leigh Miller
Morning Glory Milking Farm by C.M. Nascosta
The Dragon’s Bride by Katee Robert
Muscles & Monsters by Ashley Bennett
How Not To Date a Demon by Lana Kole
There you have it, those are my summer reading plans in a nutshell. Wish me luck!
Let’s chat in the comments!
Did you participate in this week’s TTT? If so, feel free to share your link below. Have you read any of these and are there any I should prioritize?
Just judging books by covers, I think I’d be interested in “Get a Life”. I hope you have a happy honeymoon! My godsister has been married for four years and still hasn’t gone on one because they’re “so busy”. XD
Yes, Get A Life sounds good. Romance is not my typical bread and butter but I have been wanting to venture out and try more of it. Thanks so much, I can’t wait! Ahaha to be fair we got married last year and I can’t believe a year has already passed. It takes a lot of effort to plan and there’s always so much to do so I can see how four years of busy-ness might pass you by. I’m just lucky that my husband’s school breaks in the summer works out perfectly lol.
Masquerade has such an amazing cover.
Oh, I know right? Stunning!
Muscles & Monsters has a cool cover.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
Yeah the cover makes it look fun, lighthearted, and silly which is what I’m hoping for 🙂
So many of these books have awesome titles! Enjoy your honeymoon!
I agree, there are some really cool sounding titles & thank you so much 😀
Ooh I hope you enjoy your honeymoon and that you have a wonderful time.
How are you finding We Shall Be Monsters? Good luck on catching up with your other arcs too. I’m not sure if I’ve heard of A Dark & Secret Magic so I’m going to look that up, along with Clytemnestras Bind as I read two books about her last year and really enjoyed them.
So I somehow forgot to put Robin Hobb on my list of must read books 🙈 this is the problem of having a TBR so long you refuse to look at it and try to make lists from memory 😂😂 and I hope you manage to get Redsight read this time around.
I hope the honeymoon TBR goes well too. If you get to Dark Lover let me know what it’s like. I accidentally brought the second book years ago and it’s sat unread in storage ever since 🙈
Anyway once again I hope you have a fantastic time away. And good luck with your summer TBR.
Thanks so much Charlotte!
I am enjoying We Shall Be Monsters although I’ve been reading it quite slowly I need to devote more time to it so I can read more than 10 pages at a time but that’s a me problem 😂 Oh, which Clytemnestra books did you read?
Haha yes Robin Hobb definitely needs to get on that list haha but that’s so true it’s impossible to remember all the names! Everytime Redsight was ready for me I was always in the middle of too many other things isn’t that always just the way? lol
Oh that is so funny okay I’ll be sure to give you more info if i read Dark Lover, which I hope to priorotize because it’s been on my TBR since 2013 lol
Thank youuuuuuu 🥰🖤
I’m glad you’re enjoying it and hope that you find more time to read soon. Although I can relate. I’ve had times like that too. Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati which I loved and highly recommend. And Electra by Jennifer Saint which I also enjoyed although not as much as the authors other books. Perhaps that’s because I read the two so close together in part though. Plus I wanted more of Cassandras story too.
She is! I’d look at my full list but I know that it’ll end up ridiculously long if I do so 😂 aww hopefully you’ll have time for it next time around 🤞
Tbh I think part of the reason that I haven’t read it yet is because of how long the series is 😂 hopefully we’ll both get to it soon though given how long it’s been on our tbrs.
Good news, I finished We Shall Be Monsters and it was great!
Cool okay, I’ve added that Clytemnestra book to my tbr 🙂 I’ll basically read any greek mythology book, not tired of them yet hahah maybe coz I haven’t read enough of them! There must be other greek retellings you can try that have more Cassandra story if you liked that character 🙂
Yeah that’s fair, I was kind of surprised when I saw how long Dark Lover is! haha here’s hoping!
Yay that’s fantastic, I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Ooh I hope you enjoy it. The authors writing is mesmerising. Same here. From my experience they tend to be really beautifully written. Plus the stories are rather addictive. That’s true, there are lots about Troy too so she probably features in those too.
I think its still ongoing too. Although I think they might be more like companions than actual sequels.
I agree that myth retellings I’ve read tend to be written beautifully with stunning descriptions.
Ah okay I see.
Your list is awesome too, good luck and have fun travelling!!!
Thanks so much 😄🥰!
I hop you enjoy your trip, and I hope you enjoy reading these.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
Thank you, I hope to enjoy these too 😀 !!
Your “smutty” honeymoon TBR list makes me laugh. Enjoy your trip. Sounds fabulous!
Happy TTT!
Haha Thanks Susan, it makes me laugh too, which is very much the goal 😀 & thank you kindly ♥
Have a fabulous honeymoon!
Thank you Ellie 🥰😁
Happy honeymoon! I think it’s a really neat idea to have a specific honeymoon TBR. 😀 (And smutty romances are perfect! 😉 )
I love the cover for A Dark and Secret Magic! I’ll have to put that one on my radar for this fall.
Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier!
Thank you and haha I’m glad you like our idea 😜
Yeah I love the cover for it too, so perfect for fall, I would prefer to keep it for fall but then I don’t want to miss the archive date for it haha
& my pleasure, I love your posts 😀
I hope you enjoy your honeymoon!
I’ve read Morning Glory Milking Farm and Muscles & Monsters and thought they were a lot of fun! I’m checking out all your ARCs too – they’re new to me, but look awesome 🙂
Thank you and I am glad to hear you enjoyed both those books, bodes well for me then! lol & yes I hope you pick any that look good when they come out!
Firstly, I hope you have a fantastic trip and a wonderful honeymoon!
And honestly, looking at those books, there are many many I need to read based purely on title and cover alone. My TBR is crying at the thought, so thank you! *grins*
Thank you so much 😀
Ahaha my summer TBR and I apologize but that’s the name of the bookish game isn’t it? It never ends 😂 To be fair the title and covers are mostly what got me too lol
I am really looking forward to We Shall Be Monsters. I immediately added it to my TBR when I heard the pitch. I adore the whole Brown Sisters series. I hope you enjoy Chloe Brown. Hope you and your husband have a lovely honeymoon together!
Yes so far I’ve been enjoying it so I hope you like it too! The Brown Sisters series is so outside of my comfort zone but I’m excited to try it out! & Thank you so much 😀
What a great idea for a honeymoon reading list! A lot of these are on my TBR as well, Masquerade and That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon, and I’m looking at some of your other ones too. Have a wonderful trip!
Thank you so much 🙂 Fun that we have a few similarities in our tbrs; I hope we both end up liking them!
Love the smutty honeymoon travel reading list! 😍 I loved Lemming’s, Hibbert’s, Nascosta’s and Robert’s books that you’ve listed and I hope you have an amazing time reading them. And I also hope you have an amazing honeymoon in Finland. Happy reading!
Oh wow, I love that you’ve read and loved a lot of these, that seems like a good sign to me 🙂 Thank you so much, Dini! Happy reading to you too!
Hope you enjoy the entirety of your summer reading plans (looks like you have a varied list!) AND I hope you have an AMAZING trip. Sounds like you have a lovely adventure ahead. Many thanks for visiting my TTT list last week.
Thank you kindly, Rissi 🙂 Excited for all adventures, of the reading variety and also not! lol 😛 My pleasure.
I read Masquerade and was a great debut, hope you enjoy it too
Ah that’s excellent, I can’t wait! I look even more forward to it now 🙂
Pingback: What I Read On My Honeymoon & Stacking The Shelves | Dark Shelf of Wonders
Happy honeymoon, I hope you both have a wonderful time and enjoy your readings, I’m sure you’ll get inspiration from some of those books. 😂
Thank you, we did have a wonderful time and read so many romance books it was awesome 🙂 ♥!!
I love that you are in your monster era. I hope you had a wonderful honeymoon.
Ahaha yes Thank you! I very much am in my monster era and hope to never leave it! lol😂 Also, thanks we did have a wonderful honeymoon even though I got sick at some point but oh well still a great trip!