Hey bookworm friends! I always love collecting my reading stats for the year but I was either way too organized or simply discombobulated this year and I can’t tell which 🙈. For some reason, I decided to keep track of my reading on way too many different sources. In terms of apps, I’ve got Goodreads, The Storygraph and Fable, and I’m also using G’s CAWPILE spreadsheet and a series tracker inspired by Literary Diversions. I’ve been ✨influenced✨ in too many directions and I’ll need to streamline my methods in 2025. But I digress—we’re all here for stats and stats you shall have as well as some standout reads in the form of some Superlative Awards.

Reading Stats
- Total Books Read: 94
- Indie Reads: 30
- Re-reads: 3
- Short Stories Tracked on GR: 5
- Buddy Reads: 9
- DNFs: 10

While I read 94 books overall, the spreadsheet only contains 88 titles (I excluded the 5 short stories as well as ‘A Viking’s Peace’ as it was too terrible to be remembered—my spreadsheet, my rules 😂).
Reading Method Breakdown

Series Or Standalone

Genre Breakdown

Book Format Breakdown

Source Breakdown

Age Category Breakdown

Most Read Authors
I tried 49 new authors in 2024 and here are my most-read authors of the year according to Fable.

Every Book I Read In 2024

🏆Superlative Awards🏆
Fav 2024 Release

A Dark and Secret Magic
by Wallis Kinney
Most Beautiful Cover

Moon Soul by Nathaniel
Best New To Me Author

Seanan McGuire
Coziest Atmosphere

A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Fav Revisited Author*

Lois McMaster Bujold
* As in an author I’ve read before 2024.
Best Short Read

The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Goodest Boi *

Kazmerev the Phoenix
*Best Companion Creature
Most Disappointing

The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
Most Entertaining World-Building

Manners And Monsters Series by Tilly Wallace
Fav Standalone Fantasy

Even Though I Knew The End by C. L. Polk
Most Memorable Middle-Grade

The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera
OTP Of The Year*

Veronica Speedwell & Stoker
*The couple I shipped the most
Let’s chat in the comments!
Do you have any reading goals for 2025? Or, who were your most-read authors of 2024?
Sharp looking post! How did you generate your graphics?
Also, do you do book reviews on Fable? I installed it months ago but there’s no way to access it on PC (aside from using the Bluestacks emulator, I guess), and I am NOT typing into my phone.
Thanks, Stephen! The graphics were generated by the spreadsheet I used which was made by G from the youtube channel Book Roast. The video is linked in the intro if I’m not mistaken. 🙂 Though it took me a long time to get the charts to download how I wanted! lol.
I only recently started using Fable more for the book club function, but I have not put any reviews on there. I totally agree; typing out a full review on the phone sounds like a pain. If I ever do, I might have to just copy and paste my reviews from elsewhere to put them on Fable. It’s a fun app but not ideal in some ways.
We read about the same number of books last year. I love your graphics showing all the categories you tracked. And wow, 11 Seanan McGuire books!
Ah, that’s awesome! 🙂 Thank you, those graphics were pulled from the spreadsheet I used. I probably won’t use it again in 2025 though because despite all the cool stats, it was a lot of work to maintain. & Yes I blazed through the Wayward Children audiobooks, and now I’m on the newest one haha!
Wow you read a lot last year!! I know a fair chunk were novellas but even so I’m in awe of you. I think Goodreads said I’ve read 59 books with an average length of something like 404 pages (I can’t remember exactly what it was but it was low 400s I think).
Yay for fantasy winning!! You clearly do a lot better with sci fi than me and I’m surprised to see mysteries scoring so high. I’m guessing that’s from things like Veronica Speedwell though? I also can’t believe you tried 49 authors in one year. That’s incredible.
I don’t think we have any reads in common besides Clockwork Angel but I definitely have a fair few of them on my TBR and hope to get to a couple of them fairly soon.
I’m sorry to see that The Hobbit was your most disappointing read of the year. The others cover a great range of topics though. Someone else mentioned to me how much they love the pairing in the Veronica Speedwell books so I’ll definitely have to try them out sometime. I love the pastel colours on Moonsong and remember you reviewing your favourite.
It looks like you’ve had a great reading year and I hope 2025 is just as wonderful.
I was honestly surprised too because it’s the most books I’ve ever read in one year. I couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for the audiobooks as well, which I’ve really been loving lately. Average length of 400 something for sure takes more time per book!
Oh yeah, if Fantasy isn’t number one one year, I’d be concerned at myself 😆!Yeah you nailed it exactly on the mysteries, it’s mostly from my Veronica books although I read a few others too. You can tell I didn’t make too much progress on the old series if I had time to try 49 new authors! hahah
It’s wild that we didn’t have that many books on common considering we have such similar tastes in some ways! lol
I was so shocked by my Hobbit reread, I was not expecting to be as disappointed as I was 😲! Yes omg Veronica & Stoker are easily one of my fav book couples ever haha.
What a banger of a reading year, thank you so much my friend and I hope the very same for you 😀
Several people have said similiar things and I really am going to have to try and get into the audio format. I’m glad you’re loving it so much 🥰
Same here 😂 I figured they made up a fair chunk of them. And that’s true series wise but you still finished four. Plus it’s always fantastic to try out new authors and find new ones that you love.
Yes I found that surprising too. I was sure we’d have had a bit more crossover than that. It’ll be interesting to see if we have more reads in common this year. I can imagine, especially being a reread. How heartbreaking.
That’s pretty much what someone else told me too 😂 so I may well have to add the series to my priority list somewhere.
It does look like an incredible one. And thank you 🥰
This is an awesome wrap-up! I love all your stats and how they’re presented and the image of all the covers is great too! 😍 Looks like you had a great reading year. The Deep is a great (and I feel underrated) read and I’m glad to see you enjoyed it. I’ve got quite a few of the ones you mentioned on your list on my TBR and hopefully, I can get to them sooner rather than later (lol). I hope 2025 will be an amazing year for you in every aspect, Vero! Happy reading 😊
Thanks so much, Dini ❤ I really appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it. I definitely had a great reading year! I agree about The Deep being underrated and I think about it a lot. hehe I hope you can read any that you want to this year! Aw, I hope 2025 is a fabulous year for you too and wishing you lots of love and happiness 🙂 Happy reading!
I loved seeing your overview for 2024 and you read so many books! Ah… I loved seeing all the covers 😍 A lot of them are series, I guess when you mostly read fantasy it is to be expected, haha!
I’m sorry The Hobbit was a disappointing read for you. I can never fully decide if I want to check out any of Tolkien’s works. I’ve seen the movies and I like them, but I have no great urge to read the books.
Hope you have a wonderful 2025 and discover lots of favourites ✨
Ah, thank you so much! I read the most books I’ve ever read in one year so I can’t possibly complain 😆! Yeah that’s exactly it, so many series because of fantasy!
That’s fair, well based on my recent experience I think I’m one of the rare voices who prefers the Hobbit Movies to the book even if it’s 3 movies and it could have been shorter. I would personally say if you want to try Tolkien, start with Fellowship of the Ring and skip The Hobbit haha.
Anyway thanks and I hope you find lots of delightful books this year too 🥰!
Love these kinds of posts. And same here on using too many platforms to track reading. I’m feeling that overwhelm too and might end up cutting one…. maybe.
Really like the cover of Moon Soul and was so surprised to see The Hobbit being the most disappointing. Ooh, such an unpopular opinion. I love it, though I love the book, lol!
Thanks, I love these kinds of posts too, love the End of Dec Start of Jan wrapups, goals and all of that good stuff! Oh gosh yeah, there comes a point where too many tracking locations just adds more work for no benefit, lol.
Yes the cover for Moon Soul is beautiful and I was so surprised too, because I read it years ago and liked it but on an audio reread I noticed a lot of things that bothered me this time around and they weren’t the audiobook’s fault. If anything Andy Serkis’ performance was the best part! I am kind of crushed because I hope that the same doesn’t happen for LOTR if I reread that haha. 😟
Looks like a good reading year. I love that you tracked your stats in multiple locations – are you going to try for one location more in 2025 than 2024? 😆
It was so good, thanks! & ahahaha what a terrible suggestion, I Love it 🤣 No seriously, I gotta use LESS things!! 😜
Wow! You read so many books. I can only wish to read that much 😅 What’s your secret? I read only 20 books last year. I track my reading on notion only. I hope this year you break your reading record from the prior year. 😂
Hi 🙂 Thanks. The main thing that helped me read more is audiobooks. Whenever I’m not physically reading, and I’m doing chores I always have an audiobook playing haha 🙂 Oh nice, I like notion, I use it to write my reviews on but It has a lot of features I don’t know how to use lol. Thanks, this year I’m hoping to focus on finishing series so I might not break my record in terms of number but I’ll challenge myself in other ways 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog!
Looks like it was a decent reading year! I’ve got to read Moon soul soon, he was one of my first Instagram friends years ago!
Oh my gosh really? Wow, that’s so cool! and yes I really liked Moon Soul a lot, It was so cozy and emotional for me.
Pingback: Series Tracker: Series Started Before 2024 | Dark Shelf of Wonders
I loved seeing your 2024 stats! I’m glad that you liked the Wayward Children series, I enjoy it so much and I’m always looking forward to the next novella 🥰
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