The Old Review Dust Off: The Invisible Library

The Old Review Dust Off: The Invisible Library

Hey Bookworms, how’s your reading going? Before starting my blog, I had been posting my reviews on Instagram for a few years. I’m starting this “The Old Review Dust Off” post series to re-share my reviews of books I think deserve more attention. They are books I love but don’t feel are much talked about in review spaces.

I will start by sharing my review of The Invisible Library.

Cover Leads to GoodReads

Irene is a Librarian and her job is less about cataloguing and more about stealing rare books from alternate dimensions to keep the balance in the universe. The Invisible Library is a neutral arbiter that sits between all the possible alternate realities, which are inhabited by all manner of supernatural beings that are always at odds with each other: dragons, fae, and vampires.


 I found this book one day in the Library’s bookstore. I had never heard of it but it had the word ‘Library’ in the title and I didn’t need much convincing.😅

The series is a fast-paced adventure as Irene has to hop from world to world in search of her next book to steal and bring back with the help of her student librarian and her powers. Oh, yeah and Librarians have the coolest power, the ability to control the environment with their Language. You want the river to part? You want the cobbles on the street to dislodge themselves and trip your enemies? No problem, all you have to do is command it!

This series kind of has a steampunk vibe mixed with historical fantasy. I found these books addictive and they’re short so they can be read quickly. There are 8 books in the series and I need to catch up on the last 2 as soon as possible!

Final Thoughts & Rating

This was one of the first reviews I wrote and it’s much shorter but I still stand by everything I wrote. I have yet to finish the series despite how much I loved it😧…I’d love a re-read of the series so I can finish it with everything fresh in my mind!

Rating CategoriesRating
(1-5 ⭐)
Writing Style⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
To me, this series is perfection (as far as I’ve read)!
Content Warnings

Injury Details, Gore, Body Horror

Murder, Death, Violence

Sexual Content, Animal Death, Sexism

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