Hey bookworm friends! I like this week’s TTTopic because it allows me to plan ahead a bit for next year. The TBR is never-ending but there are buddy reads, reading projects, recommendations from loved ones, and ARC requests to consider. Keeping all that in mind, here’s my list of 10 books I want to prioritize this winter! Genre-wise and thematically it’s all over the place but it’ll be organized by level of responsibility: ARCS vs personal choices.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up!
Personal Choices

Bury Your Gays – Chuck Tingle │Queer Horror
My husband and I read Camp Damascus together and loved it so we bought this one as soon as it came out. He already read and loved this one too and now he’s just waiting for me to catch up! I better get on that.
The Kraken’s Sacrifice – Katee Robert │Monster Romance
Another series the husband and I started together and we’re collecting them all! He’s read a few in the series but not in order and I refuse to read out of order (even though you can) so this one is up next!
Clockwork Princess – Cassandra Clare│YA Fantasy
I’m currently re-reading the Shadowhunter books in chronological order with a friend so that I can eventually get to the new books I haven’t read yet. We’re on Clockwork Prince and this one is next so I hope to not take too long between installments.
Papyrus: The Invention of Books in the Ancient World – Irene Vallejo│Nonfiction
This is a book that both my father and grandfather (both readers) have read and highly recommend. My dad has recommended this to me several times and I genuinely think he’s right that I’m gonna love this! It makes me think of a ‘Rare Books and Manuscripts’ course I took during my Master’s program as the subject is similar.
Royal Assassin – Robin Hobb │Epic Fantasy
I adored Assassin’s Apprentice when I read it at the start of this year and somehow time got away from me and I’ve been terrible at continuing on. I hope to remedy this soon because this has the potential to be a new fav and I’m silly! 🤞🏽
ARCs & Author Requests

Swordheart – T. Kingfisher │Fantasy Romance
This book is getting re-published and I have the ARC for it. It’s gorgeous, sounds like something I’d love, and I want to read more Kingfisher.
Once Was Willem – M. R. Carey │Historical Fiction/ Horror/ Fantasy
Since I’ve been trying to be more open-minded about horror lately and I’m a fan of books with medieval settings I requested this ARC. To my surprise, I got accepted and I’m excited to try it!
The Wanderings of Balthus – Aonghus Fallon │Fantasy
This story about a wandering vampire captured my attention in a blog friend’s review and the author was incredibly kind to send me a copy of it!
A Reign of Emerald Fire – Matthew J. Turner │Fantasy
The author sent me a copy of his book a while ago. So long ago in fact that now he has a whole new fancy-looking cover! And I’m still very interested.
Cazorra’s Curse – Jonathan Neves Mayers │Sci-Fantasy
This is a prequel novella to a book I’ve already read. The author knows I liked his first book so he kindly sent me a copy of the novella. Looking forward to jumping back into this world!
Well, there you go: those are the 10 books I want to prioritize this winter! I’m hopeful that I’ll be able to get to all of them as I suspect I’ll be spending a lot of cozy time indoors ❄.
Let’s chat in the comments!
Did you participate in this week’s TTT? If so, feel free to share your link below. Which book do you most want to read this winter?
I love how you organised this into two categories. Good luck getting to these and I really hope you love them all. I’m with you when it comes to reading books in order. I’ve caved once with a crime series, as it covered individual cases, when I accidentally ordered around book nine into the library but other than that I just can’t do it 😂 it’s lovely seeing all you’re reading with your husband too and the family recommendations. Robin Hobb is one of my top 10 unowned must reads of 2025. I can’t believe I haven’t read anything by her yet 🙈
It looks like you’ve got some lovely ARCs and author requests too. I’ve heard of M.R. Carey but not managed to read anything by them yet. I’m curious about that one though. I’ll watch out for your reviews for all of these though, it sounds like an interesting mix.
Thank you! 🙂 I’m hoping to love them all too! haha oh nooo that’s kind of funny but too bad! I can make exceptions too if a book works as a standalone but even then I just like an order 😂
Aw thanks yeah my husband is also a reader, he reads less than me but only because he has other hobbies he spends his time on but when he picks up a book he breezes through it faster than I can blink, I’m always trying to figure out he how does it 😂😂
Oh nice, well I hope you get to try her books next year 🙂 Yes I am really excited about all the ARCs I have and thanks I’ll definitely be writing reviews for those! 🙂
I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they do 🤞 yes same here really. Reading them out of order bugs me. Plus I always feel like there’s a spoiler risk if they’re set within the same world.
Ah yeah that sounds like my dad. Not so much the hobby thing but when he picks up a book he does seem to fly through it and I wonder how. I don’t know how some people read so fast.
Thank you 🥰 I hope they end up being as good as they sound ☺️
I’ll definitely be reading Once Was Willem, I love M.R. Carey’s books😁
Ah nice! This will be my first book by the author and I’m so excited to check it out!
Great list! I’ve only read Dragon’s Bride in Roberts’ series but I’m keen to check out the others. I think the series is complete now, right? I hope you and the hubby continue to enjoy the books you’re reading together and I hope you enjoy all of your other reads. Also, that cover for Swordheart is stunning! 😍
Thanks, Dini! I’ve only read Dragon’s Bride too so far but I have a bunch of others in the series! 🙂 I hope you can check others out, as far as I’m aware yes it’s complete. Thanks! The other day I found a book from this series hidden by his computer that he bought as a surprise but I discoveredd the hiding spot by accident 😂😂.
Right?! I had already wanted to read Swordheart but now I want this specific cover! haha😍
I’d be keen to know what you of this second book whenever you get around to it. 2024 seems to be my year of monster romances cos I’ve read a few and have really enjoyed them. We love a surprise book 🤭 I kind of want this Swordheart cover too haha I wonder what edition it is! Happy reading, Vero 🙂
Okay, I’ll have to keep you in the loop then! 🙂 That’s awesome, I read a couple that I loved too and I can safely say I love monster romances as a genre😍. Ahaha yes books make the best surprises for sure!
I think this pretty cover is the one published by Tor, Bramble.
Happy reading to you too & I hope you’re having a lovely weekend!
Papyrus is one that should be on my radar, too!
I can definitely imagine you reading that! 🙂
Swordheart looks like a good read.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
It really does, doesn’t it?! ♥
The Chuck Tingle books sound like a lot of fun!
Chuck Tingle really surprised me in a great way! 🙂
You seem to have a nice variety. Happy reading.
My Winter Reading list is largely based on the challenges I’ve set for myself, book club selections, and books I have on hold with Libby. My Winter Reading list
Thank you Anne 🙂 Happy reading to you as well and I appreciate you stopping by! Let me go check out your list.
Papyrus looks like an intriguing book.
Yes! My dad has been recommending it to me for some time now haha & I agree!
I hope you love Royal Assassin! The Farseer trilogy was not an instant success for me, but by book #3 I was hooked. I loved the Liveship Traders and just read the first book of the Tawny Man trilogy. So good!
Swordheart was a lot of fun as well. Kingfisher is very good.
Thanks, Cathy! The first book in the trilogy was amazing and I loved it but then life and a thousand distractions happened and I really don’t have an excuse 🤣! But I am glad that by book 3 you were totally on board! I can’t wait to read more in that world!
Aw yay looking forward to Swordheart too and I’ve enjoyed the three things by Kingfisher I’ve read so far.
Where can I follow you? Here is my list https://mybookworld24.com/2024/12/17/top-ten-tuesday-wintery-tbr-2/
Hi Alex, thanks for visiting my post 🙂 You can follow me on my site: https://darkshelfofwonders.com/
There are follow options in the right sidebar. I’ll pop by your winter tbr post :)!
Happy reading!
My TTT: https://laurieisreading.com/2024/12/17/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-winter-2024-tbr/
Thanks, Laurie 🙂 !!
Happy reading, I hope you enjoy these! I loved the Kingfisher, though it’s the only one from your list that I’ve read.
Ah okay, that’s good to know I’m hoping to love that one too. I’ve liked the three Kingfishers I’ve read but the last one ‘Thornhedge, I just liked and wish I’d loved more!
I love that cover for Swordheart! I’ve only read one Kingfisher but I really enjoyed it. Must read more.
Yes, that cover is stunning, I love the colours and the details I could look at it forever!
I want to read Robin Hobb so bad. I have it on my plan every year and never get to it. Maybe this year! I hope you enjoy all of these!
That is so deeply relatable 😂 I’ll keep my fingers crossed that this is the Hobb year! Thanks, Leslie 🙂
The Farseer trilogy is great and gets better with each book. I hope you’re able to get to Royal Assassin. Hobb’s overall Realm of the Elderlings series is one of my favs.
That is so exciting to hear I can’t wait to make more progress as I feel it has the potential to be a new fav for me too! Fingers crossed! 🙂
That’s a great list of books! I read Swordheart a few years ago and absolutely loved it, but I’ll have to pick it up again now it’s getting re-released. I hope you enjoy them all 🙂
Thank you so much Becky! & oh that’s a good idea I hope you enjoy it the second time around too! 🙂
Great list! It can be so hard to balance ARCs and personal choice books — good luck! I’ll be curious to hear about Swordheart. I love T. Kingfisher, but haven’t explored a ton of her backlist yet. Hope you enjoy all of these!
It really can! I always say to myself I’ll request fewer ARCs but then I get tempted! Thanks 🙂 I haven’t explored too many of her books yet either but I want to read more for sure!
I haven’t read any of these, but the covers look amazing! I especially love the cover (and the title) of Swordheart.
The covers really do look fabulous I’m hoping the insides all match haha 🙂 Thanks for stopping by ♥!
It’s so cute that you grandfather recommends you books. And Papyrus seems really interesting, I’ll add that to my (very long) TBR list. Happy holidays!
My grandpa is a big reader but this one was mostly my dad recommending it to me and he mentioned to me that he also told my grandpa about it but my grandpa, unsurprisingly already knew all about it 😆! Haha anyways I hope you enjoy it if you manage to read it and Happy Holidays to you as well! 🖤
I hope you enjoy all these!
Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
Thank you, Susan 😀 ♥
Camp Damascus was really good. I’m looking forward to Bury Your Gays as well. Happy reading!
Camp Damascus made it to my favs of the year last year! & thank you, happy reading to you too ♥!
A great looking list. The Clockwork series is my favourite of Cassandra Clare (our of the two series that I have read 😂)
Have a great week!
Thank you! & I really like it too but Out of the two series I’ve read so far I find it hard to choose which one is my fav because the clockwork one is better aesthetically but the first in publishing order is pure nostalgia. haha
I hope you’re having a great weekend.
Great list! I also need to read Bury Your Gays, because I didn’t get around to reading it in October 😄
Thanks, Caro! & I hope you can get to it soon! I feel you, because it’s been on my ‘priority tbr’ for months! 🙈
Great list! I hope you enjoy them! Have a good weekend!
Thank you so much 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful weekend too!
I hope you enjoy them all!
Thank you, Aj!! 🙂
I utterly adore Swordheart, so I hope you enjoy it!
That is so wonderful to hear, I hope so too :D!! Thanks, Louise 🥰.
Swordheart looks amazing! I’ve wanted to read a Robin Hobb book for a while now, hopefully I’ll get to it someday. I hope you’ll love all these books when you read them 🙂 Thanks for visiting my blog earlier in the week!
Right?! It looks so good! I hope you can get to a Robin Hobb book soon and that I can continue on too 🙂 Thanks & my pleasure 🖤!
A Shadowhunters series re-read sounds like fun (I also still need to get to the new books). Hope you’ll love all of these!
Thanks so much, Lindsey & yes it’s been fun revisiting this nostalgic series for me but I’m hoping the new books will be just as fun!
I love the Hobb books. I devoured the initial trilogy within a week a few years ago haha.
That’s awesome. Hoping to dive into the rest asap next year.