Top Ten Flowery Book Covers and an Ever-Growing TBR

Top Ten Flowery Book Covers and an Ever-Growing TBR

Hey bookworms, Happy May! I’ve been enjoying the warmer days because I can take my pup on longer adventures. I love seeing all the flowers bloom and all the lush new growth on plants everywhere 🌱!
This week’s Top Ten Tuesday theme of “May Flowers” is perfect because something else that I love to see grow is my TBR 😜. I’m excited to share the 10 most recent flowery book covers I’ve added to my TBR.

Meet Cheeto. In his adventure backpack, surrounded by tulips.

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up!

flowery book covers

Author: Shahnaz Habib

Genre: Nonfiction (Travel, History, Memoir)
Why I added it to the pile: I love to travel but lately I’ve been thinking about the ethics around travelling. Then I saw a friend give this book a good review and I couldn’t resist adding it to my list (even if nonfic is not a genre I pick up often).
Cover Designer: Dana Li

Author: Avina St. Graves

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Why I added it to the pile: I always love it when a book has “Death” as a character and I was looking for more fantasy romance books I might like so this might work on two levels.
Cover Designer: Beholden Book Covers

flowery book covers

Author: Zoe Schlanger

Genre: Nonfiction (Life Sciences, Plants)
Why I added it to the pile: I enjoy learning about the environment and nature and this cover screams “Read Me”. This one comes out May 9th.
Cover Designer: This is the UK edition and honestly can’t find a credit for this anywhere! I wish giving credit to cover artists/designers was standardized.

Author: Emma Sterner-Radley

Genre: Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Why I added it to the pile: I keep seeing early reviews for it and it’s being compared to The Princess Bride so I’m immediately interested. I adore the movie and the book was good but I hope Snowblooded is more like I imagined the book while being its own thing. It also comes out on May 9th.
Cover Designer: Natasha MacKenzie

Author: Vaishnavi Patel

Genre: Mythology Retelling
Why I added it to the pile: I can’t get enough myth retellings, especially those told through a feminist lens and I need to explore a wider range of mythologies from around the world.
Cover Designer: Lisa Marie Pompilio

Author: Delilah S. Dawson

Genre: Horror, Romance
Why I added it to the pile: I mean, have you seen this deliciously gothic cover? A “booktuber” I was watching mentioned this book and on the list it went! I don’t know much about it other than it’s gothic and queer.
Cover Designer: Julia Lloyd

flowery book covers

Author: K. E. Andrews

Genre: Fantasy Romance
Why I added it to the pile: I was looking at the list of SPFBO 9 finalists and the premise sounded intriguing.
Cover Designer: Jade Mae Yee

Author: Samantha Shannon

Genre: Fantasy Dystopian
Why I added it to the pile: The Bone Season has been on my radar for a while and a few people have recommended it to me. Now that there is a gorgeous revised edition, it seems like a good time to pick this up!
Cover Designer: Ivan Belikov

flowery book covers

Author: Kiley Dunbar

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Why I added it to the pile: While contemporary romances are very much not my vibe, what IS my vibe are any books set in bookshops or libraries. So if I’m in the mood I may give this a chance. Plus, I like the painterly style of the cover.
Cover Designer: Can’t find credit.

Author: Makiia Lucier

Genre: YA Fantasy Romance
Why I added it to the pile: See the same reasoning as for “Goddess of the River”. I’ve never read any Pacific Island mythologies and looking to fix that!
Cover Artist: Tran Nguyen


    • Veronica

      Thank you, I figured it was a perfect time to introduce him on the blog lol 🙂

    • Veronica

      Thank you 🙂 & oh fantastic, I am so glad to hear that I look forward to getting to it!

    • Veronica

      Yeah it caught mine too when I saw my friend’s review, I thought it had an interesting design.

  1. Cheeto is absolutely adorable. Great that he has his own special carrier. I am impressed that flowers can be used so effectively on different genres and books with different themes. Lots of interesting covers here.

    • Veronica

      Haha yes so when he gets tired he can still be part of the adventures, lol! Thank you! Yes that’s such a good point, flowers are kind of universal in that way I suppose, it’s just what the designer does with them that sends a different tone!

    • Veronica

      🐕🧡 Thanks & yeah Dragonfruit looks super cool! & my pleasure thanks for visiting mine too 🙂

    • Veronica

      Thank you Pam 🙂 I hope they are great too haha although who knows when I’ll get to them all. 🤔

    • Veronica

      🌷🌸Thank you kindly! Here’s hoping for sure lol

  2. The Light Eaters looks really interesting! I love that you researched the cover designers and gave credit where credit was due, they really deserve the kudos for these amazing covers!

    • Veronica

      Thank you, I think so too, I’m always amazed by their awesome work!

  3. Some great covers here! I love that issue of The Bone Season. I also really enjoy the Dragonfruit and Goddess of the River covers as well.

    • Veronica

      Yeah all three are gorgeous for sure 🙂 Thank you!

  4. Goddess of the River has a gorgeous cover, and I’ve been missing reading mythological retellings too! Dragonfruit is also on my TBR, but I’ve been seeing mixed reviews on it so far. D: Also THANK YOU for mentioning these awesome cover designers! ♥

    • Veronica

      Yes I hope to read more mythology retellings soon since I haven’t in a while! and Thank you so much, giving credit to the designers/artists of the covers is important to me I just wish the info was easier to find/more normalized!

    • Veronica

      I’m pretty sure I got the rec from one of your posts actually because I had never seen it before haha 😂 & Thank you 🐕

    • Veronica

      oh my gosh yes, the backpack is actually his fav lol and thanks so much!

    • Veronica

      I agree, there’s just so many gorgeous details to look at!! & Thanks for dropping your link, I’ll go check it out 😀

  5. Great list! The covers are all so pretty, and there are so many really interesting books on the list. I’m super excited for Goddess of the River, and will have to add Snowblooded to my TBR since I adore The Princess Bride.

    • Veronica

      Thank you and I love The Princess Bride too, and I’m honestly super hoping to love both of those!

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