Top Ten Tuesday Halloween Freebie: Witchy Books & Songs

Witchy Books & Songs

Hey bookworm friends, almost one week ’til Halloween! If you’ve been following my themed playlists for Halloween, you may be hoping I haven’t forgotten about the witchy books. You’re in luck—today is the day! I’ve been saving this theme because it coincides with a couple of link-ups so gather your cauldrons and dive into my selection of Witchy Books & Songs!


Thanks to AnnemiekeLisaJorieImyril, and Ari for hosting this mini Wyrd and Wonder event! The Hocus Pocus prompt was too fun to pass up even if I’m a bit late😉

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Don’t forget to check out her post and link up! Today’s topic is Halloween Freebie.

This list will contain 10 books (a mix of Read and TBR) and 10 songs that I love! For some extra fun, I tried to match up each book with the song that I felt matched it best. I hope you find something you like 😜!

Witchy Books & Songs

📚 Burial Rites – Hannah Kent

Historical Fiction; Inspired by a true story. The last days of a young woman accused of murder in Iceland, 1829.

🎵Often, people called witches are simply women with minds and passions of their own. Dance with the Fire by Karliene (& the entire album ‘Wake The Witch’) is an ode to all women who are unapologetically themselves. What they call wickedness I call my power.”


📚 Witches, Midwives, and Nurses – Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English

Nonfiction; A history of women healers. The second edition (2010) of this Feminist Press essential includes a new chapter that delves into the fascination with witches. It explores changing attitudes toward childbirth, alternative medicine, and modern-day witches.

🎵Heather Houston is a strong proponent of singing as a spiritual practice and healing tool. Her song Full Moon Chant is a prayer to release everything that no longer serves your soul.


📚 The Witch’s Heart – Genevieve Gornichec

Norse Mythology Retelling; When Angrboda falls in love with Loki, their union produces three unusual children. To keep her peaceful life, she raises them away from Odin’s all-seeing eye, at the edge of the world. But then her prophetic powers reveal that all of existence is in danger and Angrboda must make a choice.

🎵Savage Daughter, originally written and performed by Wyndreth Berginsdottir, is an anthem of empowerment. I discovered this song through Ekaterina Shelehova‘s cover version.
“We are our mother’s savage daughters,
We will not cut our hair, We will not lower our voice”


📚 Over My Dead Body – Sweeney Boo

YA Fantasy, Mystery, Horror Graphic Novel; Set in an Institute of Magic and the forbidden forest that lies beyond it. Amidst the preparations for Samhain, Abby’s best friend Noreen goes missing. The coven says they will find her but Abby can’t sit idly by. As she searches for answers, she discovers that Noreen’s disappearance may be connected to another disappearance from many years ago.

🎵 Every year around Halloween, I listen to this deliciously creepy mashup of Come Little Children (Hocus Pocus)/The Hanging Tree (The Hunger Games). Peter Hollens & Bailey Pelkman’s voices weave together spellbindingly. If I heard this in the woods I’m afraid I would certainly follow it…


📚 Akata Witch – Nnedi Okorafor

YA Fantasy; Twelve-year-old Sunny was born in New York and she’s trying to adjust her her new life in Aba, Nigeria. She is albino so she’s very sensitive to the sun. But once she befriends Orlu and Chichi, Sunny is plunged into the world of the Leopard People, where your worst defect becomes your greatest asset. Sunny, together with the rest of her young coven, must track down a powerful man responsible for kidnapping and maiming children.

🎵Nina Simone‘s jazzy version of I Put A Spell On You is iconic and puts a spell on me every time. The song also makes an appearance in the movie Hocus Pocus (performed by Bette Midler) which is why it’s so closely associated with Halloween in the minds of 90’s kids.

Witchy Books & Songs
Public Domain images from Rawpixel, Pexels, & Canva
Witchy Books & Songs

📚 A Dark And Secret Magic – Wallis Kinney

Fantasy Romance; A love letter to Halloween. Hecate Goodwin, a hedge witch, is happily living in a secluded cottage with only a black cat for company. But when a handsome man from her past turns up at her cottage asking for sanctuary, it’s her duty as a hedge witch to honour his request. Set in Ipswitch, Massachusetts, this book feels like watching all the quintessential Halloween movies.

🎵 In their song Maxine (Witch Queen), British stoner doom metal band Green Lung celebrates a real-life witch, Maxine Saunders, a key figure in the development of modern pagan witchcraft. Their sound is heavily inspired by Black Sabbath & Deep Purple and this song has a clear 70’s vibe.


📚 Rewitched – Lucy Jane Wood

Cozy fantasy romance; Belladonna Blackthorn is burnt out. Working at a book store that her boss is running into the ground, and having to hide her witchcraft from all the non-witches is a lot to handle. As if that wasn’t enough, her 30th birthday brings a summons from her coven that will test her worthiness as a witch. Belle is gonna need all the help she can get!

🎵 As soon as I heard I’d Rather Be Burned As A Witch by Eartha Kitt, I got so excited. I’ve always loved the character of Yzma, so to discover her own music was a treat. When she sang the lyrics “I’d rather be burned as a witch than never be burned at all” I knew this song belonged on this list!


📚 In The Company of Witches – Auralee Wallace

Supernatural Cozy Mystery; A young witch, Brynn Warren, runs a New England bed and breakfast with her aunts. When a local known for being argumentative and demanding dies while staying at their B&B, Aunt Nora is suddenly the prime suspect. Brynn must use her long-unused powers of speaking with ghosts to clear her aunt’s name.

🎵Ashley Serena‘s hauntingly ethereal The Witch’s Daughter is a lullaby sung by a Witch to her daughter. In it, she tells her baby that this world is full of “twisty frights” but that she has magic in her bones and someday she’ll join the “merry haunt”.


📚 Curse The Day – Annabel Chase

Supernatural Cozy Mystery; Lawyer Emma Hart is out for a drive when she meets a handsome angel and becomes stuck in Spellbound, a hidden supernatural town. Since she’s a lawyer in the human world, and the town’s public defender has just been murdered, she gets saddled with his job. As she reluctantly begins her new life, she attends magic lessons with the remedial witches and attempts to solve the murder of her predecessor.

🎵 Indie pop singer-songwriter Lola Blanc‘s tune The Magic has a cabaret aesthetic and inspiration. “Can you help me to see it?
Because I want to believe in the magic”
fits perfectly for someone just learning they’re a witch but it has a more down-to-earth interpretation of seeing the magic in our everyday lives.


📚 The House Witch – Delemhach

Cozy Mystery, Fantasy & Romance; House Witch Finlay Ashowan works as the royal cook in the court of the King and Queen of Daxaria. No one knows who he is or how he came to work in the royal kitchens. But once his secret identity gradually begins to be discovered by the court, he finds himself involved in a slew of intrigues. He’ll have a lot on his plate (😉) when his past begins to catch up with him just as his love life is getting interesting!

🎵 The classic 60s witchy song Season of the Witch by Scottish folk singer-songwriter Donovan might be an obvious choice but how could I not include it?! It’s a classic for a reason and it’s a good way to cap off this list!

Did you like this post? Check out my other Halloween-themed playlists here.


  1. That Ehrenreich title sounds interesting. I’ve read her books on work/labor but this is a difficult field altogether. Haven’t read much into witches aside from Harry Potter and the 500 Kingdoms (hey, that sounds like a HP title!), though a few years back when I was trying to understand neopaganism I read an interesting book on Earth religions called “Drawing Down the Moon”. My review is annoyingly skinny on details, but it was noteworthy enough that I still remember the thing. (“A few years back” was 2009. Oof.)

    • Veronica

      Yes that book sounds really interesting, I saw someone on Booktube recommend it and she reads a lot of books about Women and Health so I thought I’d add it to my tbr. I don’t think I know 500 Kingdoms. & oh wow yeah 2009 is a while ago, that’s when I graduated from high school (so I wish I could say it was recently 😂) I’m surprised you remember the book but I’ll go check out your review, that could be something interesting to read about!

      • Nickle and Dimed is her “working class” book, and Bait and Switch is more about middle-class job s earching. Both very dated at this point, of course. Even anything, the application processes are harder because of mandatory computer use.

        500 Kingdoms is a literary universe created by Mercedes Lackey which basically allows her to tell diferent stories with the same rules without having to relate them to one another. The underlying rule of the Kingdoms universe is that mythical Tradition exists, and it actively shapes the lives of people. A former girlfriend introduced me to them 4+ years ago

        I’ve read two, one of them. It’s fantasy but more Disney fantasy than say, LOTR or anything else.

        • Veronica

          While they sound interesting, I wouldn’t want to read any dated books on the topic as it’s an everchanging landscape!

          500 Kingdoms sounds amazing and that’s a cool concept! I appear to have the first one on my tbr already without knowing it lol. (that’s the problem with having a tbr chasm). I’ve only read one Lackey but I liked her style and want to explore her works more !

    • Veronica

      Thank you, Lydia 🙂 Yes me too, I love finding new songs I can put under my Halloween playlist but also I just listen to a bunch of these year-round haha.

  2. I love Savage Daughter! The cover I listen to most often is by a band that used to do the local Renaissance Festival – it was the first version I heard. Such a great empowering witchy song!

    • Veronica

      Me too, what a powerful song! OH that’s cool. Do you remember what the band is called? I’d be curious to check it out because I love going to the Ren Faire and I heard it last month when I went to the Ren Festival here too so that’s kind of funny!

    • Veronica

      Thank you! I love making playlists so I had a ton of fun making this and I love the amount of witchy songs out there 🙂 Have a great week too.

    • Veronica

      Thank you 🙂 & Oh nice I’m glad you enjoyed Over My Dead Body it sounds amazing! 😀

    • Veronica

      Ah, well it’s a classic for a reason right? 😉 I also enjoy how many covers there are of it haha!

  3. Great list — very creative! I need to finish the Akata trilogy still. I really enjoyed the first two books, but just haven’t gotten to #3 yet.

    • Veronica

      Thanks so much 🥰! Oh awesome, I’m glad you are enjoying the series and for some reason I thought it was a duology (it’s on my TBR) but it sounds amazing!!

  4. OOh nice topic and picks! I am horrible at assigning music/songs to books I read. My brain doesn’t function that way I guess. Or there’s just too many! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    • Veronica

      Thanks so much, Jessica! 😊 It helps that I just collected 10 witchy songs and 10 witchy books and just assigned the pairs by what I thought matched best coz I have not read them all, there are quite a few on my TBR. And haha there are so many songs to choose from that’s true, I mostly picked ones I already listen to more regularly 🙂

      Thanks for popping by 🖤

  5. I haven’t heard of any of these, but they all look appropriately seasonal. Hannah’s has a really cool cover. And this post is super clever with the song pairings. 🙂 Thanks for visiting my list yesterday.

    • Veronica

      Ahah well then I consider that a win thanks so much 😉🥰! Yeah, that’s my favourite cover of Burial Rites, I think it’s great too! My pleasure and thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Veronica

      Thanks, Susan! & Oh I had never heard of that book before, I looked it up and even though it’s not actually about literal witches it’s still relevant!! I hope you’re having a good week 🙂 !!

    • Veronica

      I know right? Me too! I love the cover too, seems like the perfect cozy mystery for the season! Happy Halloween 🎃!

  6. This is a super cool and very creative mash-up!

    I had been hoping to read A Dark and Secret Magic this month, but time got away from me and it didn’t happen. I also want to read In The Company of Witches — it sounds like a really fun cozy!

    Happy TTT on a Wednesday! Somehow I scheduled my post in advance and then completely forgot yesterday was Tuesday!

    • Veronica

      Thanks so much!!🥰
      Ohh I know that feel, I didn’t read much this month because of time as well! I hope you enjoy A Dark and Secret Magic if you try it some other time!

      Happy TTT on a Thursday (I figure it’s not too late since it’s Halloween today 😂) I’ve also been super lax with posting this month so I can relate!! Anyways let me go visit your blog & Happy Halloween🎃!

  7. Such a cool post, and I like the variety of witchy books you’ve chosen. I think I’ve only read Akata Witch and Over My Dead Body.

    • Veronica

      Thank you, I did my best to pick a variety!!🖤 Ah cool and how did you like Akata Witch and Over My Dead Body?!

      • I liked Akata Witch. It’s was fun. But I mostly liked the art in Over My Dead Body. Thought the story was a little underdeveloped.

        • Veronica

          Oh thanks for the info 🙂 Ok, that’s good to know so I go in with the right expectations! That’s too bad but even still sounds like a fun read.

  8. I’m really intrigued by The Witch’s Heart. I just clicked on the link and I definitely recognize it. I must have seen it floating around the blogosphere a few years back.

    • Veronica

      Awesome, the Witch’s Heart is one of my favs! I just love this author’s writing style and her knowledge about Norse myths and culture. I’m sure you saw it floating around for sure coz that’s how I found it too when it debuted!

  9. This is amazing I love finding new music!! I’m sad I didn’t do spooky reads this year but it’s ok 😂

    • Veronica

      Aw, thank you! I love finding new music too & I love playing around with playlists so I’m glad you enjoyed it! I didn’t really do spooky reads either even though I was planning on it haha 🤷🏽‍♀️.

  10. Witches was one of the topics I thought you’d cover and I’m glad you did as I love a witchy list. Although I have to admit that I’m back to not really knowing the music besides I’ve Put A Spell On You, most likely from the same source given how often I watched that movie. I’ve heard Season Of The Witch but I’m not sure if it’s that version. And I remember hearing a full version of Come Little Children once so maybe it was that one, minus the Hanging Tree blending. They go together well though. And all these songs certainly have witchy vibes.

    Ooh I forgot all about Burial Rites so the reminder is wonderful. Akata Witch is another I’ve been intrigued by for a while. Although the one I majorly need to get to soon is The Witch’s Heart as I own it 😂 I remember instantly being intrigued so I have no clue how I haven’t read it yet. House Witch I have as an ebook. Ooh and I saw a gorgeous edition of Rewitched although I didn’t get that one.

    House Of The Rising Sun by The Animals always feels witchy to me. Maybe House On The Hill by The Pretty Reckless & Siren by Tori Amos too 🤔

    Book wise I love the Serpent & Dove series and I really want to try out Mayfair Witches by Anne Rice one day, although I’m sure I heard that it’s pretty dark.

    • haha yay, I did suspect Witches was the one you were waiting for! Good thing I didn’t leave you hanging for too long 😂.
      Haha oh well I guess that means new witchy music for you to try out if you want 🙂 & Yess that makes sense I Put a Spell on You would be one you know :)!
      I thought the Come Little Children and Hanging Tree song mashup was brilliantly done, I’m always impressed when artists can do that and it’s fun finding mashups of songs I like!

      Oh good, glad I could remind you of Burial Rites…I have that one on my shelf and have yet to pick it up! Yes Omg you do have to read The Witch’s Heart, one of my all-time favs!
      Yes, Rewitched is one of those cases where I like all its covers equally it’s hard to pick which one is prettier!

      Ah thanks for the recs, I like House of the Rising Sun, I can see that! & I love The Pretty Reckless so I love that recommendation! I will have to check out Tori Amos, I’ve never heard her music!
      Mayfair Witches is one I want to try too :D!!
      Thanks, my witchy friend 🖤

      • Yeah after you said more were coming I was hoping for the vampire and witch lists. The ghosts came as a pleasant surprise. That’s true 😂
        Yes that’s true. It’s always interesting discovering new songs.
        Yes it’s very clever and surprising to see what some artists decide to mix.

        Ooh I hope you get a chance to pick it up soon then. I’ll let you know whenever I do but I really hope to get to it soon 🤞 I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it as it’s blurb kind of reminded me of the Greek retellings I love, just Norse this time. One of your all time favourites is high praise indeed!! Ooh ill have to look into it’s various covers to discover them all

        Ooh yay I’m glad I mentioned a band you love. I really love their first few albums but need to check out the later ones still 🙈 I think that’s the only song by Amos that I know, it was on a fan video for a TV show I think 😂

        Hopefully we’ll both enjoy the series whenever we pick it up.

        • Veronica

          Ah okay, awesome I’m glad I did those two then! I had a couple more half-planned but nowhere enough time in October to finish them all so saving them for next year then 😂

          Thank you and okay sounds good we can talk about it once we’ve both read it! Yes so true, since you love myth retellings there’s a high chance you’ll love it!

          Haha yes we really do have such similar tastes in some ways 🙂 I didn’t know the song you mentioned by them so that was a wonderful discovery since I don’t know all their songs either.

          Yes, here’s hoping! 🤞🏽

          • Ooh well I look forward to discovering them next year then. And I know the feeling well. I failed to get to one of the tags I was hoping to do. So my fall is writing itself already for 2025 too 😂

            Sounds great 😊 it’s always lovely having someone to discuss a book with once you’ve finished it.

            Yes its odd noticing both the similarities and differences and I’m glad I helped you discover a new song by them.


          • Veronica

            Ahaha at least you know what you’ll be doing then 😂

            Yes it really is ♥.

            & Agreed, thank you!! 🙂

  11. I love, love, LOVE that you paired these books with music!! So much vibes! I’ve been wanting to read The Witch’s Heart, and I’m also really intrigued with Witches, Midwives, and Nurses. I borrowed it from the library some time ago but didn’t get around to it before I had to return it. I’ll have to check it out again!

    • Veronica

      Thanks so much, I’m so glad you loved it 🥰🖤. I hope you can read the Witch’s Heart soon and I recommend it because it’s one of my favs!! Oh cool, I hope next time you borrow Witches, Nurses & midwives you are able to finish it but I totally understand the struggle, it happens to me a lot too😂 I’m hoping to read that one soon ish too!

    • Veronica

      Right? That one really catches my eye too & I’m so glad you loved In The Company of Witches, sounds like I would love it.

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