Priority List of Authors I Need To Try

Priority List of Authors I Need To Try

Hey Bookworms, I know many of you can relate to wanting to organize your reading a bit more. I already have a list of reading goals for 2024 which, by the way, is quite ambitious for my reading pace. However, I often find myself saying that I want to try reading “this” or “that” author enough times that I feel it’s time to make a list! So that’s what I’m doing here: My priority list of authors I need to try. It’ll act as a long-term goal; I’ll pin it on the side of my blog and update it if and when I finally read a book by each one. I’ll organize the authors by genre so that I can browse the specific genre I may be in the mood for!

Cross your fingers and here we gooo!!


  • Christopher Buehlman
  • Cinda Williams Chima
  • Guy Gavriel Kay
  • James Islington
  • Janny Wurts
  • Jo Walton
  • Joe Abercrombie
  • Katherine Addison
  • Laini Taylor
  • Leigh Bardugo
  • Michael J. Sullivan
  • Naomi Novik
  • P. Djèlí Clark
  • Patricia A. McKillip
  • R.F. Kuang
  • Robert Jackson Bennett
  • Robin McKinley
  • Samantha Shannon
  • Steven Erickson
  • Tamora Pierce
  • Tamsyn Muir

Science Fiction

  • Adrian Tchaikovsky
  • Christopher Ruocchio
  • John Scalzi
  • Octavia E. Butler


  • Anne Brontë
  • Daphne du Maurier
  • Dodie Smith
  • E.M. Forster
  • L.M. Montgomery

Historical Fiction

  • Alison Weir
  • Bernard Cornwell
  • Carlos Ruiz Zafón
  • Dan Jones
  • Diane Setterfield
  • Hilary Mantell
  • Jean M. Auel
  • Kate Quinn
  • Ken Follett
  • Philippa Gregory
  • Umberto Eco


  • Alexis Hall
  • Evie Dunmore
  • Georgette Heyer
  • India Holton
  • Katee Robert ✔
  • Mimi Matthews
  • Tessa Dare

Children’s Lit & Middle Grade

  • Brian Jacques
  • Brian Selznick
  • Kate DiCamillo
  • Tove Jansson

16 Comments on “Priority List of Authors I Need To Try

  1. I haven’t heard of most of these, but do recognize a few names!

    – Scalzi has a good range of SF, of both near-future and more traditional SF, and ranges from serious (Old Man’s War) to the comic (Red Shirt).

    – Jean M Auel’s series is full of prehistoric goodness, but became a bloated soap opera toward the end. I never read the last volume.

    – Alison Weir is a favorite, though it’s been years since I read her. I prefer her nonfiction but have enjoyed her novels.

    – Dan Jones is chiefly known for his nonfiction, which I’m told is the greatest, but so far I’ve only read one of his novels, Essex Dogs. I liked his direct use of historical literature within the text.

    – Bernard Cornwell is the author I’ve read the most of, besides Asimov, and I suspect over the years he may catch up since Asimov isn’t writing these days, being dead. Cornwell has a great narrative voice (good with humor and drama) and uses historical details superbly.

    – Brian Jacques was my introduction to fantasy as a kid! The first was Redwall, and it’s a bit different than the rest in that Jacques hadn’t finalized his worldbuilding yet, and there are human constructs in the world. I don’t think that ever happened again.

    1. Scalzi is on my list mostly because i’m interested in his humorous sci-fi, I’ve heard great things about Red Shirts!

      Oh how many volumes are there? My mom says they’re her favourite books so I’ve been wanting to try them for years.

      I didn’t realize Weir had nonfiction as well but it’s great that I have a variety to try from her.

      Dan Jones I basically want to read everything he’s put out, I love the way he tells a story and that’s awesome!

      Seeing your post about British Historical Fiction made me remember I have to add him to my list 🙂

      Redwall is the exact series I’m desperate to read, whenever I go to used book shops and try to find it, I never find the first one! I watched the TV show as a kid and loved it. Interesting, I did not know that!

    1. Oh awesome! Are there any specific books by them that are calling out to you? I didn’t realize until recently how prolific Tchaikovsky is!

  2. Ooh wonderful list and good luck checking something out by all of these authors. I love that you split it into genres too, definitely helpful.

    Fantasy is my go to genre so I’d love to say I’ve read most of the ones listed there but I’ve only checked out four so far 🙈 and there are a couple I don’t recognize so I’ll have to check them out. Maybe when I do the titles will ring a bell 😅 I’ve loved everything that I’ve read by Leigh Bardugo and The Familiar is my favourite read of the year so far 😍 I really loved Daughter Of Smoke And Bone and know that Strange The Dreamer is one of my must reads for the year. I also started Bone Season and really enjoyed it so idk how I fell behind. Priory is another on my must read list for the year.
    Tamora Pierce & Naomi Novik are the two listed I most need to get to but I have a lot of the others on my tbr too.

    Science fiction I need to check out more in general 😂 same with classics. Although I do have a few of the names from each on my tbr.

    Ooh I’ve been meaning to check out something by Philippa Gregory for years. Same with Alison Weir. Especially as both have some Tudor books and I’ve always found that period of time fascinating. And I’ve heard fantastic things about Diane Setterfield’s books. Some of the others here are on my tbr too.

    Romance is a genre that I need to try and get into although some of the names are familiar to me. I only really recognise one of the children’s authors you’ve listed though so I’ll have to look them up. Hopefully their books will ring some bells 😂

    Authors on my list would include Brandon Sanderson, Patrick Rothfuss, Rick Riordan, Fonda Lee, Deborah Harkness, Neal Shusterman, Rae Carson, Mary Pearson, Anne Rice, Liane Moriarty, Anne McCaffrey, N.K. Jemison, Margaret Atwood, John Green, Terry Pratchet, Neil Gaiman and I could go on and on.

    I feel like Jay Kristoff, Marie Lu, Maggie Stiefvater & Joanne Harris deserve a mention too though as I’ve only gotten to one by each of them so far.

    1. Thanks so much! Separating it by authors will prove helpful to me as It’s going to take quite some time to go through this.
      Well we’re in the same boat because Fantasy is my go-to as well and yet here I am…There’s just SO much that it’s impossible to have read it all. If you ever want to read any of these together and discuss I’d be open to it 🙂 Leigh Bardugo is SO popular and somehow I missed when all her books came out but now that The Familiar is out this year it caught my attention. I’m glad you’ve loved a few of them and I heard that the Bone Season was being re-written or re-edited or something by the author so I definitely want to read the new version of it!

      I wish I had more names in Sci-Fi honestly, but I was somewhat specific with this list: Only Authors I’ve been telling myself I’d read for YEARS not any ones that I’ve recently noticed or thought about. I only recently started getting more into sci-fi so that’s why that’s a shorter list.

      Yes exactly, that’s why Weir and Gregory are both on my list for the Tudor books, I recently watched the Musical SIX which reminded me that I STILL haven’t read any of their books😂 We seem to have a lot of similarities in our TBRS haha!

      I’m not a romance reader really BUT I have been wanting to get into Historical Romance because I think honestly it’s just the contemporary ones I don’t like. I want to be transported to some other time please! I love romantic movies so I’m trying to find the same feeling in book form haha.

      That’s fair enough, maybe you’ll recognize them once you see them. Tove Jansson is the Finnish author who wrote the Moomin books and I’ll be going to Finland soon so I am hoping to get some of them there ♥

      hhahah yes the list is never-ending and isn’t that amazing? I Love the Rothfuss books but whether you try them now depends if you care that you might have to wait for a long time for the next one lol I have some Deborah Hakness ones at home that I haven’t touched yet either! & I agree with a ton from your list I especially want to try John Green’s nonfiction because I really liked watching his Mental Floss videos on youtube! & Terry Pratchett is one of my goals for this year and I have been doing poorly on that goal 🙁

      For the purposes of my list I didn’t include any authors where I’ve read one book but you’re right they do deserve a mention. It just takes too long so too bad 😆.

      1. That’s very true. It’ll definitely take a bit of time to read something by everyone listed here.

        I feel like you tend to discover so much more whilst blogging too. That’s how I found a lot of the older fantasy books on my tbr. And it can be hard knowing exactly where to start. Ooh that’s a good idea. I have an arc to read first and kind of a hectic fortnight but I’d definitely be up for sorting something out sometime. Do you have an Instagram? It might be easier to discuss on there if so.

        Aww don’t worry, I was majorly behind with her books too but have almost caught up now 😂 yes I’ve seen that too. I follow the author on Instagram and have found a few favourite reads from her recommendations. I think the rewritten ones are out now. And the covers they got are stunning 😍

        I understand that. It’s a genre I’m meaning to check out more too. So far I’ve mostly only read dystopian fiction within it 🙄

        Ooh how was it? I really want to see it one day. I can’t resist anything Tudor related and love musicals. And yes, it does seem like it.

        I have a few contemporary ones that I want to try out but I know what you mean. Historical settings can offer so much variation too. And that’s how I got into thrillers actually – realising I liked them on screen so why not on page. Which does apply to romance too really so maybe I should try giving it more of a chance 😅

        Oh I’ve heard of the show of that but didn’t really realise they were books. I hope you have a fantastic time in Finland. It sounds exciting!! I do recognize some of the books from each of the others too.

        It definitely means you’ll never run out of books to read. Oh yeah I’ve heard that. But I would love to catch up on his books regardless as I’ve heard such good things. I hope you enjoy them whenever you pick them up. Ooh I don’t think I’ve heard of that, although I do vaguely remember him having a non fiction book out. I hope you enjoy it. Aww well hopefully it’ll go better for you over the rest of the year. He has so many books that it’s kind of daunting even knowing where to start 😅

        😂 I totally get that. I just didn’t want to count Marie Lu as read on my own list as I haven’t read any of her big series yet 😂😂

        1. Yes totally! I only recently started blogging but I’ve already gotten so many different recs than I do from instagram which I appreciate. Which segues perfectly into answering your question, I do! It’s @dark.shelf.of.wonders and I love to buddy read with people on there haha. I’m in the same boat as you, currently trying to catch up on ARCS so there is no rush but my DMS on there are always open 🙂

          Oh exciting okay good to know the rewritten one is already out, I’ll need to hop on that sometime!

          Yes there is just so much to check out within sci-fi and I am finding I don’t particularly love the classics within that genre. Dystopians are fun, I recently read a great one that’s called I Who Have Never Known Men and loved it but it’s not really hard sci-fi more speculative.

          Six was great, I wouldn’t say it was historically accurate but it wasn’t trying to be. It was SO much funnier than I was expecting and I was pleasantly surprised. 😀 I hope you get the chance to see it and love it just as much! I enjoy a good musical as well 🙂

          Yeah sometimes you have to try different media formats for the stories you want to see haha, good thing you realized you like thrillers in book form as well. 🙂

          Thank you I am quite excited!! Glad you recognize some of the books too and I didn’t realize Moomins was also a show! :O

          Yes if you don’t mind I would recommend them, I also don’t mind waiting because let’s be real I have lots of other things to read in the meantime. Waiting for books to be published really doesn’t bug me as much and if he doesn’t ever publish the next one well then at least I got to enjoy 2 of them 🤷‍♀️

          Yes Discworld is daunting and I started from publishing order but I think I might have to branch out as some friends have told me to read his Witch Books!

          Yeah that makes sense, technically I have read Anne McCaffrey but only a short story so like you I need more to really make a fair assessment for myself, maybe I should have included her but oh well! I hope you get to enjoy more Marie Lu books too 😀

          1. Welcome to the blogging world then (: and I’ll follow you and send a message in a moment. I really need to get my Bookstagram going again soon, although I’ve decided to work on it after the busy few weeks I mentioned 😂, but always use it for messages still.

            To be fair you have plenty of time to catch up as there are seven books planned altogether and I think some other books were due in between too. But I think I’m going to try and catch up before the next book releases next year 🤞

            I haven’t tried any classics within the genre so I don’t really know how I’d find them. And I love dystopian and put 🙄 by accident. I’m always on the lookout for those. And saw your review for that book, it seemed intriguing.

            Aww yay that’s wonderful to hear. And yeah I wouldn’t have expected it to be fully accurate either. Thank you ❤️ it seems to tour quite often so hopefully I’ll get a chance to see it soon. Do you have any favourites?

            Yes so true. I’d actually love to see more romances as films too but they very rarely seem to release new ones.

            I hope it lives up to your expectations. I’m sure it’ll be incredible though. I haven’t seen the show so I have no idea what it’s like but I remember it being advertised before 😂

            That’s very true. There are always plenty of books to keep you busy. And it’s better to get some of the story if the books are really good ones. I do sometimes wonder how I coped with a few of the major cliffhanger endings within series I read when I was younger though 😂 two of them were brutal to wait for.

            Ooh well I hope you have better luck with those then. I don’t really know much about the order or content. Just that there are loads and he’s wildly popular 😂

            I didn’t really know she’d written any short stories. And that’s the only format that I’ve read Joanne Harris in so far but I adored that collection and love the Chocolat movie so I’d be really curious to check out more by her. Thank you.

          2. Thanks for finding me on there; followed you back 😉 And it’s tough to balance lots of platforms so I fully get putting your energy where it needs to go most and oftentimes that’s not on social media haha!

            Oh geez 7 books, that’s a lot longer than I was expecting the series to be! Daunting but exciting. Fingers crossed you got this!

            LOL that’s so funny, poor accidental emoji 😛 I enjoyed that dystopian boom phase in the 2010s and weirdly the one I posted about was my first dystopian in a really long time!

            Yes that’s a good point, just from their outfits alone it’s clear it’s a super modern take. Oh yes I’m glad it’s a popular one! Wicked and Phantom of the Opera are two of my favs! You?

            I have noticed that lately too, every so often I’ll look up rom coms to watch on streaming platforms and haven’t seen many if any that are calling out my name lately, I hope they come back! lol

            I used to be much better at being patient as a kid too, I think it might be because we grew up without the internet for a while there so we simply had less info at our fingertips at all times. Like we had no choice but to wait without distractions, that’s all gone now 😂

            That’s pretty much the exact same extent of my knowledge haha 🙂

            Oh I should watch Chocolat!!

          3. Thanks 😊 that’s true. I definitely do hope to get it up and running properly again soon though.

            From what I’ve heard and read so far it’s totally worth it though. And thank you ❤️

            Yeah I got into them when I first read THG but I have so many to read still. My tbr is full of them 😂 ah well I’m glad you enjoyed it then. Its nice to pick up a genre for the first time in ages and get pulled in.

            Ooh I love Wicked as well, although I’ve never seen Phantom. Les Mis, Moulin Rouge and Chicago are my favourites.

            I feel like a lot focus more on the com side of it but instead of being funny end up being stupid 🙈 I did enjoy Whats Love Got To Do With It and I was surprised by how much I loved Ticket To Paradise. I saw one based on Celine Dions music too which I liked but I literally can’t think of any others that have came out in the last few years.

            That’s very true 😂 although that was probably also good for my tbr as it meant I didn’t get lost in lists on Goodreads based on certain themes or genres 😂

            Oh lol 😆

            Ooh you should. I rewatched it last year and it’s definitely worth it.

          4. Awesome, well when you do I’ll be around 🙂 haha

            Yeah I feel like dystopians are coming back to no doubt your tbr will get even more full of them lol 😛

            Oh gosh I adore Moulin Rouge the movie but never had the pleasure of seeing the play but I’d love to. Same with Chicago actually. Phantom is worth seeing as well because it’s so dramatic and I love every single song.

            I totally agree about the comedies feeling more stupid than funny, I don’t tend to watch that many these days lol I haven’t watched either so thanks for the recs I’ll try to give them a watch if I can find them 🙂

            Yessss that’s me too. Adding things to the tbr at a ridiculous pace I’ll never be able to catch up. I see my tbr as a list of options rather than like a to do list and that eliminates some of the stress at least. But catch me as a ghost reading my backlist 😂

            Well if I ever do watch Chocolat i’ll have to let you know 😀

  3. That’s good to know.

    Ooh yay, I hope so. Although I can’t believe some of the older ones that I still need to read 😂

    They’re both incredible live. I saw Moulin Rouge for my birthday last year and it was amazing. They’ve updated some of the music but it all fit so well. And they had a version of Bad Romance that I still can’t stop thinking about.
    I’ll have to look into that one then. I think I’m wary of the word opera in the title 😂 but I know it’s meant to be good.

    I’m glad it’s not just me tbh as I always feel like the odd one out for thinking ‘yep I’ll avoid that’ when other people go mad about some of the comedies around. I hope you enjoy them if you do find them. There are lots of good older romances out there too though.

    Yeah that’s how I need to look at mine tbh. As in the past I had a list of all my unread books and it sent me into a major slump for ages as it turned reading into a chore. I’ll definitely be a ghost reading mine too so at least we’ll have company 😂😂

    1. oh my gosh Moulin Rouge is the best birthday present that’s amazing!! I’d be curious to see how they updated the music. There’s literally only one part of the movie music that I dislike and it’s the part that is just singing Nirvana’s It Smells Like Teen Spirit… it just throws me off every single time 😂Bad Romance sounds like it would fit so much better!
      Haha that’s understandable if you don’t like opera.

      Haha I think comedies are just hard to make in general because humour is so subjective. Glad I could at least make you feel better about that hah 🙂 I should go find some of the old ones I haven’t watched there’s so many!

      Yeah I definitely don’t want reading to feel like a chore either! Lmao YES two ghosties having the best time reading! lol

      1. It was incredible. I’d love to see it again one day as it was definitely worth it. I had to look it up as I couldn’t remember that one being in there but yes that is kind of random 😂 I can’t remember it being in the live version. And if it was they must have changed the music style as nothing really stood out as not fitting.
        Originally I thought they put it in instead of Roxanne but that still came up later which I loved 😍

        Very true. Tbh I’d dread trying to write any kind of comical character 😂 if you ever want any recommendations let me know.

        Well haunting a library sounds much kinder than haunting people.

        1. Glad it’s worth seeing again! I hope it’s not in the live version lol and Roxanne is AMAZINGGGG 😍
          Haha if I ever do I’ll let you know. Thanks so much!
          lol yes, the most harmless ghosts ever. I like that 🙂

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